Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Snow White notes

Ideals of beauty
lips red as the rose, hair black as ebony, skin white as snow
Snow white is thin and young with very pale skin

Snow white
Rags cannot hide her gentle grace
lips red as the rose, hair black as ebony, skin white as snow
Snow white is wishing for a prince to come and find her
She is a dreamer “Im wishing for the one I love to find me today” 
Snow white tenderly looks after a baby bird
Snow white only screams and covers her face when the huntsman tries to kill her she doesn’t defend herself 
Snow white cannot defend herself in the forest she collapses and cries
She is quick to blame herself “I’m so ashamed of the fuss I made”
She tries to look on the bright side by singing songs
She’s a dreamer just drifting through life singing and playing with animals
She needs to stay at a house she refuses to stay in the woods or build a shelter
She knocks on the door but since no one is inside just breaks in? ummm?
Seven untidy little children she presumes that children live there and begins cleaning the house straight away
This immediate cleaning establishes the gender role this film is trying to convey that women are good for cooking and cleaning 
She seems delighted to clean 
Snow white is very easily pleased 
Snow white hides from the queen at the dwarfs house 
She is scared that if she is made to go home she will be killed 
She doesn’t seek help from another kingdom or anything  she just hides
She kind of mothers the dwarfs making them wash outside and telling them they won’t get a bite to eat if they don’t 
Snow white is thin and young with very pale skin
When the dwarfs ask Snow white to tell a story she tells them about the prince she met once
She says that she loves him even though she has literally just met him 
Snow white cooks and cleans while the dwarfs are gone 
She sings all day about her prince coming
Snow white is kind to the peasant woman (queen)
Snow White is stupid to let the old woman inside

The queen
Queen has her hair pinned back
The queen is authoritative and has power
She is a sick kind of evil “Bring back her heart in this” (holds up a box)
The evil queen is murderous and obsessed with beauty
The queen is very conniving sh makes herself look old and ugly
She is like, super committed she is willing to poison snow white through the poison apple in order to become the most beautiful one in the land
The witch is so evil she wants Snow White to be buried alive
The queen takes advantage of Snow Whites kindness
The queen is conniving “This is no ordinary apple its a magical wishing apple” She plays on what she knows Snow White will take
The evil queen is a bit of a coward she just runs away from the dwarfs, but then again it is like 7 against 1

The dwarfs
The dwarfs want to get rich through digging diamonds  
The unclean house of the dwarfs shows that men can’t clean up after themselves or look after themselves representing that men need a women to look after them 
The dwarfs are pretty stupid and can’t figure out its just Snow white in the bed 
The dwarfs are quite potentially violent they want to kill what ever is in their bed (Snow White)
“All females is poison they are full of wicked wiles”
The dwarfs don’t kill snow white because she is so beautiful 
bite to eat if they don’t 
The dwarfs don’t know how to look after themselves (cooking washing e.g) 
All the dwarfs are pretty well enamoured with Snow Whites beauty and sweet behaviour and disposition 
The dwarfs refuse to bury snow white because she is too beautiful 
It’s kinda creepy how they keep her 

Snow white is wishing for a prince to come and find her
She is a dreamer “Im wishing for the one I love to find me today” 
Snow White is shy near the prince she runs away from him but listens to him serenading her. 
She comes to the window when he serenades her 
The Prince proclaims his love for her even though he has just met her
Snow white tenderly looks after a baby bird
Snow white only screams and covers her face when the huntsman tries to kill her she doesn’t defend herself 
Snow white cannot defend herself in the forest she collapses and cries
She’s a dreamer just drifting through life singing and playing with animals
This immediate cleaning establishes the gender role this film is trying to convey that women are good for cooking and cleaning 
When the dwarfs ask Snow white to tell a story she tells them about the prince she met once
She says that she loves him even though she has literally just met him 
She sings all day about her prince coming
Snow white is kind to the peasant woman (queen)
The queen takes advantage of Snow Whites kindness
Snow white is nieve and silly to believe the evil queen
The dwarfs try to save her implying that Snow White needs the men to save her
The prince kisses her even though he knows she’s been dead for a long time umm what?
They all just accept that she is going to live with the Prince

Without any questions she goes to marry the prince and live "happily ever after"

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