Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Planning for my assignment


  • up until 1992 all disney princesses were western and white
  • Most of the disney princesses have similar characteristics of beauty
  • They are slender have huge eyes pale skin and often free flowing hair
  • Their body proportions are extremely unrealistic 
  • They often have red lips
  • Unrealistic body proportions
  • This represents that for women to be beautiful they need to have large child like eyes, be ridiculously thin, have beautiful bouncy hair
  • Belle challenges this by being more tan and tying her hair back for the most part of the movie.

Snow white
  • gender roles are established pretty quick in Snow white
  • when she gets to the dwarfs house she immediately begins cooking and cleaning establishing the role that a woman place is in the kitchen
  • It also establishes that men cannot look after themselves and are quite useless as the dwarfs do not understand the concept of cleaning they only know how to go out and work
  • It also implies that men need a woman to look after them
  • Snow white cannot adapt to her surroundings, she cannot build a shelter in the forest she has to have a house to sleep in
  • She doesn't go to another kingdom and seek help, although she is a princess, instead she hides out at the dwarfs house cooking and cleaning for them. 
  • She only meets the prince at the start of the movie when he serenades her from her window. She immediately decides she is in love with him after meeting him only once and not even talking to him but running away from him. 
  • She goes on to tel the dwarfs how much she loves him despite the fact that tehy did not even speak he simply serenaded her while she watched after running and hiding 
  • When he kisses her at the end she simply agrees to go back with him no questions asked even though they do not know each other and he has just kissed her despite her being ‘dead’ they agree to be married
  • The fact that there is only snow white and the evil queen as the two female characters enforces that as a female you can either be good and sweet or jelous and evil
  • The fact that the queen is a jealous sicko is a bad representation of women
  • The evil queen is very intelligent she has lots of knowledge in spells and is conniving, does this mean smart women are evil and stupid niece idiots like Snow White are sweet and innocent. 
  • There is also the idea that your main worth lies in your beauty
  • Everything that happens to snow white is because of her beauty
  • The queen is not content with being 2nd fairest in the land so she has to kill snow white 
  • The only reason snow white isn't killed by the dwarfs is because she is beautiul
  • The only reason the prince marry snow white is because she is beautiful
  • This impliess that your entire worth lies in your beauty. 

Sleeping beauty
  • The idea that beauty defines your worth is carried over into Sleeping beauty as well
  • It is first established when Flora gives aurora the gift of beauty (the first gift) implying that it is the most important
  • when the prince see’s aurora he is immediately enamoured by her beauty and knows that she should marry him. 
  • Aurora is also timid like snow white running away from the prince but inviting him to her house that night? umm
  • And doing this despite the fact she has been yearning to meet a man
  • She is super annoying because she doesn't know how to handle a challenging situation in any other way but crying. This enforces that females are overly emotional and cant handle challenges 
  • When the fairies tell her she is betrothed she cries and cries for hours even though she has just met the guy she ‘loves’ and talked to him for like a minute. 
  • Aurora has no personality no edge to her character she literally has 18 lines throughout the whole film. 
  • The fairies are a good representation of women I find
  • They are quite powerful managing to save the prince from Maleficants wrath
  • they are kind and caring and look after her for years trying to keep her safe
  • Maleficant has a similar stereotype to that of the evil queen in snow white
  • She is alone without a man bitter and angry that she ws not invited to the royal thingy 
  • she is a bad representation of women as she is nitter and jealous of aurar wanting her dead
  • She is also clever and conniving and also evil following the pattern that clever and conniving women are evil.
  • The prince is detirmined strong, brave, buff and handsome
  • thats his exterior but really he is a bit useless as the fairies do most of the work for him
  • he kisses aurora and despite the fact they barely know each other they are married. 


  • Cinderella is a slightly better representation of women
  • Cinderella is kind of huffy occasionally these are the good moments of the movie because you wish she acted like this a bit more
  • Cinderella yells at Luficer many times for making a mess and being a pain in the a**  (Im pretty sure she almost kills lucifer at one point. 
  • Cinderella does though cook and clean for her step sisters and step mother enforcing that good and sweet women cook and clean (gender roles) 
  • In terms of her step mother she fits the same souls as maleficent and the evil queen, husbandless and bitter. 
  • Also her step relations do ot cook or clean converting that they are evil unpleasing women. 
  • As well as this the fact that they are ugly show that if you are ugly you are automatically a bad person
  • Her sisters are spoilt bratty and whiny all they care about is having nice things and getting the prince
  • It is the same as Cinderella she just wants to be married to the prince
  • At the ball each girl goes up one by one and presents herself to the prince reinforcing that the men are the dominant people they have control of a situation and girls should fight for them and make themselves beautiful for them 
  • The only reason the prince selects cinderella to dance is because she is the most beautiful reinforcing that all your with lies in your physical beauty. 
  • Cinderella is submissive and un expectant she is happy just to dance with the prince for that one night and okay that she is never going to see him again. 

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