Tuesday, 1 March 2016

The schedule

Abby has been working on trying to pin point the times all of our group can be free for filming and we have decided to start filming on Saturday from 2-4 at my house. I went back through the treatment and highlighted all the things it would be possible to commute in these two hours so Abby could add it to her table of production times. Everything that is highlighted is able to be done if we work quickly and efficiently.

5 sec
Close up, A multitude of social media logos zooming in towards the viewer while kids run around in the backyard
Voice over: “Five new Facebook profiles are created every second.”
4 sec
Long shot, straight angle, people walking in a busy street glued to their phones texting.
Voice over: “There are 83 million fake profiles.”
2 sec
Mid shot, high angle, people on phones
Voice over: “50 percent of 18 to 24 year olds go on Facebook as soon as they wake up.”
2 sec
Close up, high angle, scrolling through Facebook feed
Voice over: “If Facebook was a country it would be the third largest in the world.”
10 seconds
Fade in

Straight on angle, mid shot, computer screen (no lighting), no movement. Someone tries, unsuccessfully, to get into their account.

Close up, straight on angle, dark shadowy lighting (computer lit face), no movement, a girl stares at her laptop screen. 
Voice over: “Another issue that is impacting the Australian youth of today is the hacking of their Facebook accounts.”
10 seconds 
Mid shot, straight on angle, dark shadowy lighting, no movement, two girls sit on a couch laughing and looking at a laptop screen. 

Close up, straight on angle, dark shadowy lighting, no movement, hands type on a laptop

(When statistics are mentioned they appear on the screen)
Voice over: “Did you know that 30% of teens today share their password with a friend? Girls are twice as likely to do this as boys.”
10 seconds
Straight on angle, mid shot, computer screen (no lighting), no movement. Someone tries, unsuccessfully, to get into their account.
Voice over: “That means that in times of friendship troubles your own reputation could also be in trouble.”
10 seconds 
Fade to

Straight on angle, mid shot, Dark shadowy lighting, no movement, Abby sits at her computer desk and speaks directly to the camera. 
Dialouge: This impacts the youth of Australia as they are often very trusting.”
15 seconds
Cut to

High angle, close up, dark shadowy lighting, no movement, A phone sits on a bench top receiving texts like: Are you on Facebook? Is it you on Facebook? Are you okay? Are you being hacked? What are you posting on Facebook? LOOK AT YOUR FACEBOOK!?

(When the statistic is mentioned sit appears on the screen)
“But the reality is harsh and can often lead to serious distress in teens as they watch their reputations be ruined. Facebook accounts are hacked 600 000 times a day which means that 0.6% of all log ons to Facebook are for hacking.”
45 seconds
Straight on angle, mid shot, computer screen (no lighting), no movement. Abby is on Facebook demonstrating how to hack a Facebook. Over the top are overlaid B roll videos of teens slamming their laptop shut (low angle, mid shot, dark shadowy lighting, no movement, from the perspective of the laptop), whispering (close up, straight on, no movement, dark shadowy lighting) and receiving text messages like: What are you posting on Facebook? (High angle, close up, dark shadowy lighting, no movement)

(When the steps are mentioned they appear on the screen)
Voice over: “And the scary thing is there are thousands of resources online that give you step by step instructions to hack a Facebook.” “So since I have access to this persons password All I would have to do is log out which is step one.” Then, step 2 enter the persons email into the log in.” “Now Step three all I have to select is forgot password.” “Now step 4: select this is my account.  But since we do not have access to their emails I have to, step 5, press No longer have access to these.” “So its now asked me how Facebook can reach me. So step 6 I type in my own email and it will send me a new password.”
8 seconds 
Straight on, mid shot, camera follows Abby as she walks, bright crisp lighting, Abby walks through the lockers speaking with a voice of authority to the camera. 
Dialouge: “Hannah Buckley was a 16 year old girl who was confidant and happy.” 
10 seconds 
Straight on angle, mid shot, computer screen (no lighting), no movement. Someone tries, unsuccessfully, to get into their account.
Voice over: “She logged into Facebook one August day and found that she could not access her account. Her password was changed.”
12 seconds 
Straight on, mid shot, camera follows Abby as she walks, bright crisp lighting, Abby walks through the lockers speaking with a voice of authority to the camera. 
Dialogue: “She found that the hacker had added hundreds of male strangers on her account and had posted horrific statuses on her wall.”
8 seconds
High angle, close up, dark shadowy lighting, no movement, A phone sits on a bench top receiving texts like: Are you on Facebook? Is it you on Facebook? Are you okay? Are you being hacked? What are you posting on Facebook? LOOK AT YOUR FACEBOOK!?
Voice over: The hacker also sent horrible messages to her friends and family.”
15 seconds 
Straight on, mid shot, camera follows Abby as she walks, bright crisp lighting, Abby walks through the lockers speaking with a voice of authority to the camera. 
Dialouge: “Hannah was afraid to leave the house after that. her former fiends abused her not believing she had been hacked and hannah became suicidal and had to be placed on suicide watch.”
30 seconds
Straight on angle, mid shot, computer screen (no lighting), no movement. Different activity on different Facebook profiles starts appearing on the screen. This is overlaid with teens slamming their laptops shut (low angle, mid shot, dark shadowy lighting, no movement, from the perspective of the laptop) whispering (close up, straight on, no movement, dark shadowy lighting) and an iPhone receiving text messages (High angle, close up, dark shadowy lighting, no movement). The profiles cut quickly from one to the next gradually speeding up.

Fade to black
Voice over: “It is clear to see the impact this hacking has on youth or Australia is severe, firstly they are in danger of being hacked and secondly being hacked can cause stress and feelings that could drive them towards feeling suicidal or even committing suicide.”
10 sec
Long-shot, straight angle, director standing outside Annette Kelly’s house (scam victim. 
Voice over: “Annette is a victim of another prominent danger that Facebook poses to everyone: Scams. Today she is here to talk about the impact it has o the youth of Australia and how it effected her.”
4 sec
Mid-long, straight angle, Camera moves with the director. The director knocks on Annette’s front door, greets and shakes hands and enters the house.
“Today she is here to talk about the impact it has o the youth of Australia and how it effected her.”
2 sec
mid shot, straight angle, movement with abby and Annette. Annette offers the director a seat on her sofa

2 sec
mid shot, high angle, movement with abby and Annette. Annette helps herself to a seat

5 sec
mid-shot, straight angle, Director sitting on sofa
Director asks Annette questions about the scam she was involved in
5 sec
mid-shot, straight angle, Annette sitting on sofa
Annette responding to the questions asked by the director
40 sec
mid-shot, straight angle, cut back and forth between the director and Annette sitting on sofa
Director interviews Annette about the scam she was involved in
5 sec
mid-shot, straight angle, Director sitting on sofa
Director asks Annette questions about the scam she was involved in
5 sec
mid-shot, straight angle, Annette sitting on sofa
Annette responding to the questions asked by the director
40 sec
mid-shot, straight angle, cut back and forth between the director and Annette sitting on sofa
Director interviews Annette about the scam she was involved in
15 sec
Long shot, straight angle, bright crisp lighting, no movement. director slowly paces in bush land towards camera
“Young people feel like Facebook is a friendly and inviting place and often share lots of information. So lets go onto this hypothetical Facebook profile we have created.”
15 seconds
Straight on angle, mid shot, data from a computer screen. Shot of a conversation happening over a computer screen on Facebook. 
Voice over: “This seriously impacts our Australian youth as they are often nieeve as to who they are communicating with believing that despite the fact they do not know the person, because their profile seems real the person probably is.”
20 seconds
Mid shot, straight on angle, dark lighting to make it seem like nighttime, no movement. A teen sits typing and smiling at her laptop. 
Voiceover: “Its easy for young people to be lured in by predators and therefore this leads to an increase in sexual assault rape and murder. This can have a seriously scarring impact on youth of today.”
30 seconds
Long shot, straight angle, bright crisp lighting, no movement. director slowly paces in bush land towards camera
(When statistics are mentioned they appear on the screen then dissappear)
Voiceover: “Did you know that since 2009 sexual assault reports have increased from 139 to 614 and half those cases have involved youth under 16?” Abby: 18 year old Nona Belomesoff was a normal happy 18 year old lover of animals and she was fooled and lured to her death by a online predator James Dannevig,pretending to be a friend and offering her a job protecting wild life. She believed he had good intentions but didn't really know him and as a result lost her life.  
8 seconds
Mid shot, straight on angle, dark lighting to make it seem like nighttime, no movement. A teen sits typing and smiling at her laptop. 
Voice over: “That is a big impact that this is having on youth of today. How safe are the people you talk to? and do you really know them?” 
8 seconds
Long shot, straight angle, bright crisp lighting, no movement. director slowly paces in bush land towards camera. Once Abby finishes speaking she walks off. 
Abby: “Well I wanted to find that question out exactly so I decided to ask some random members of Australian youth.
We do not yet know how long this will take. 
Straight on angle, mid shot, no movement, bright lighting. Abby stands in the middle of a shopping centre.  Abby interviews several people (We do not know how many shots this will take)
Abby asks several volunteers the question: “Do you know all your friends on Facebook?” and the replies are recorded. 

Straight on angle, mid shot, no movement, bright lighting. Abby stands in the middle of a shopping centre.  Abby interviews several people (We do not know how many shots this will take) The camera cuts between Abby and the person being questioned 

3 seconds
Straight on angle, close up, movement following people in the frame, bright sunshine like lighting. Children run around in a backyard. Overlaid over the top of this are different Facebook logos zooming towards the camera. (Black and white)
Abby’s Voice over: “Facebook is a big place and an even bigger danger.
3 seconds
Straight on angle, mid shot, movement following people in the frame, bright sunshine like lighting. Children run around in a backyard. Overlaid over the top of this are different Facebook logos zooming towards the camera. (Black and white)
The youth of Australia are now inevitably glued to it.
3 seconds
Straight on angle, long shot, movement following people in the frame, bright sunshine like lighting. Children run around in a backyard. Overlaid over the top of this are different Facebook logos zooming towards the camera. (Black and white)
And often unaware of the danger it poses to them. 
3 seconds
Straight on angle, close up, movement following people in the frame, bright sunshine like lighting. Children run around in a backyard. Overlaid over the top of this are different Facebook logos zooming towards the camera. (Black and white)—> Fade to
In this day and age children are at higher risk than ever 
3 seconds
Hight angle, mid shot, panning movement, Children and youth of Australia sitting around on their phones. Overlaid over the top of this are different Facebook logos zooming towards the camera.
of hacking, scams and online predators. 
8 seconds
Straight on angle, mid shot, panning movement, Children and youth of Australia sitting around on their phones. Overlaid over the top of this are different Facebook logos zooming towards the camera.
If the youth of Australia isn't aware of this they could easily be apart of Facebook Danger. 

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