Sunday, 20 March 2016


Yesterday was our last official day of filming which was interesting

We wanted to get some different peoples perspectives on social media and since I have the car and the drivers licence I drove to my friend Franny's house to interview her. We have basically just set out two questions: Do you know all your friends on Facebook personally? and do you worry that the people you don't know are dangerous. Franny gave us some great responses talking about how she really didn't know all her friends on Facebook and she sometimes received weird messages from people and had to block them from her profile despite her account being on private. It really backed up the information we were giving in our film and the dangers of having people you don't know follow you. Its also really common. I mean I don't know half the people who follow me. Mildly concerning. I should probably be more concerned. Later that afternoon Tanay came over to my house to edit her part of the film. It wasn't very hard she just edited the interviews a bit and we recorded Claudia, who drove Tanay, and asked her the two questions. Her answers were remarkably similar to Francesscas. Tanya edited those sections in and that was that. At this rate our documentary is well and truly done. Ive blogged a lot, filmed a lot and edited a lot and it's good to hand it in.

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