Thursday, 19 February 2015

our assignment

Today In media we talked a bit about our assignment. We have to create our own teaser trailer between thirty to forty five seconds long. The specific part that I like about this assignment is we can choose any genre that we want. I think that I will choose horror because I find that it is a fascinating genre and I will be able to create a very effective teaser trailer out of this particular genre. The one rather hard thing about this assignment is we have to flip a genre convention. For example in fantasy movies you will often see a helpless princess who needs to be rescued. If we were to flip the convention or stereotype it would become a helpless prince who needed to be rescued. I think, despite the challenge this poses, it will make my film very interesting. We also aren't allowed to use sound. It should be so visually engaging that the audience can understand what is going on without hearing any sound at all.

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