Thursday, 19 February 2015

Horror the genre

- There is always a killer, they are not necessarily human. Sometimes they are and when this is the case they are commonly a strong, deranged male character. They can also be a demon, a small child possessed by a demon, a spirit a dead person, a clown a doll etc...

- There is always a victim in horror films. Common victims include: A young blond girl who is often very attractive, a small child, an elderly lady, a parent, an unsuspecting adult.

- In horror movies mirrors are used often as props to create more drama and fear in viewers. Often scary beings will come out of mirrors, or pull characters inside, while in horror movies that are slightly (only slightly) more realistic the victim will look in the mirror and see the killer behind them.

- Usually, or at least most of the time there is an investigator or a character who if trying to figure out what is going on, why certain people are dying, who is killing people, or at least what is moving objects in the house and banging on the walls at night. There is always 'an investigator'.

- A creepy or location, or unfortunate location. Often in horror films there will be an ultimate creepy location, whether it be a haunted apartment, house or building, a lodge or hotel. Often in horror movies their will be stories circling this 'creepy location' and characters in the film (often the victims) are stupid enough to think that they will be exempt from the horrific events that occur in these creepy places. There is also, in horror films, often an unfortunate location, where a case of wrong place wrong time often plays out. For example: the victims unknowingly getting into an elevator with the killer.

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