Thursday, 19 February 2015

Minority report scene 2 evaluation

Briefly Describe the Setting/Location and the type of activity/ies would usually take place in this setting?

His house is very cluttered, yet extremely clean and sterile (from a distance), I’d say he would not spend too much time in the house, rather just dump his belongings in the house and go back to work.
What props have been included in the setting to convey an intended message or describe the activity/ies taking place?Objects scattered over the counter, a futuristic home movie system, a bed, a couch, large roomy areas, the type of activity that would usually take place in this setting would be, the man would possibly sleep and eat there but not spend too much time there. 
What does the contrast (light levels, difference between dark or bright areas) indicate about this setting?

The whole house is relatively shadowy representing that it is night time and he is alone, he mayn't be very happy, as the lighting is dark and cold indicating that this setting is empty and sterile. 

What type of tones or colours are used within the setting; pleasant, simple, cheery, bleak. (Also consider the lighting).Monochromatic whites blacks and greys the lighting is quite bleak. 

Describe the spaciousness of this setting (Cramped or open/roomy).

Th setting is messy but very spacious

Describe the physical state (messy, neat, formal).

The physical state is very messy and some areas of table tops are cluttered.

What is the general atmosphere of this setting (what moods or feelings does it invoke)?

Lonely empty atmosphere, curiosity, feeling afraid, confuse, on edge.
Describe the acting style of the main character within this scene?

The actor seems careless and lonely. He just dumps his items on the floor, takes the drug he bought ‘clarity’ and seems only interested in watching his family movies. 

How does this setting contribute to the acting style and character/s personality?

Possibly the character is complex, at first glance the house he is in seems sterile neat and together but one the viewers are given a look into the rooms they can see that there is clutter everywhere maybe this is symbolic for the man, it would seem that he has everything together but he is actually quite complex and distressed. 

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