Thursday, 18 August 2016

Filming on Monday afternoon

So today I filmed a huge chunk of my film. i found it quite challenging as there were quite a few people bing extras and it is rather hard to control a large sum of people. They don't really listen when you tell them not to get changed yet and its hard to get everyones attention, yet they all cooperated quite well and make the scenes I used them in more effective. Its hard to fit everything in in the time period too because you have actors coming in at all different times (or coming in way later than you expected them to) and you have a time limit to get a bunch of things done in. As well as that when girls do their makeup it can take a long time. So on Monday I was expecting to start filming the death scene (which is the biggest scene in the film) by 4:15 but my actor was half an hour late so we ended up having to start filming at 4:45. That was pretty stressful. As well as that filming the actual death scene was a damn big task as there are just so many shots and angles to get exactly right. I think it worked out quite well though.

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