Monday, 25 July 2016

Today I Told Mr Andrews my idea for FTV and he helped me build on it. He said I need to put Nicole in a worse situation for the viewers, make her look so much more guilty than she currently looks. She needs to have a second personalities he adopts when meeting her fans, she is completely two faced as she actually hates her fans and this needs to be shown. To make matters worse for her Mr Andrews suggested that the fan that gets killed can be a particularly obsessed fan who Nicole clearly despises. He also said that everything Libby does needs to have a double meaning, and she should know that she is incriminating Nicole but also have a psychotic personality after all Norman Bates knew he had a second personality but was also horrified by it. The thing that will join her multiple personalities is the desire to see Nicole fall. he also suggested that about a third of the way through Nicole gets arrested or interrogated, things tart looking very bad for her very quickly. So I made a dot point list of the plot and changed a few things:

  • Nicole leaves somewhere and is bombarded by paparazzi and fans
  • Nicole smiles pleasantly at them all and politely answers their questions before a car pulls up and she jumps into it
  • Once Nicole is in the car she screams in a very diva like way and calls libby
  • Libby answers hello on her end
  • Nicole informs libby she will be back at home in five minutes and proclaims how much she hates the press and her fans. Nicole complains about one particular fan who is always getting in the way. 
  • As Nicole is complaining the fan pokes her head up from the back seat. Nicole screams, yells no! and “pull this car over” 
  • Nicole flees from the car and runs towards a large apartment building. 
  • The fan runs from the car and looks around seeing the building while Nicole is gong through the door
  • The fan follows
  • Back at the apartment Nicole unloads to Libby who is unassuming and making copious notes about what Nicole is saying while secretly being very jealous. 
  • The fan starts banging on the door, having allowed Nicole up to her apartment 
  • Nicole is extremely annoyed and begins ranting about wanting to kill her fans
  • Nicole then leaves to go to a signing reminding Libby that she wants her to be there incase she cannot handle the fans
  • Libby gets very angry, letting all her jealousy out by ripping out a page in the notebook. she then gets in a separate car. She pulls out her phone and calls Nicole saying that she has one piece of advice and that is to take breaks when she feels like she is being overwhelmed take many, many breaks. 
  • Nicole is doing her makeup at a signing while a mysterious shadow creeps closer to her door
  • Nicole is suspicious and looks over noticing though that no one is at the doorway
  • A PA calls her to tell her she is ready for her and Nicole leave the room unsuspicious presuming it was either Libby or the PA walking past the room. 
  • Nicole leave the room looking miserable, Libby catches her on the way about to walk onto the stage and reminds her again to take as many breaks as she needs her too, she asks her if she needs anything, Nicole asks her if she can please bring her a drink of anything at all since she hates her fans so much. Libby agrees and tells her to try to relax.
  • Nicole goes out and begins signing autographs with a very fake smile and happy personality she has mastered
  • The fan who broke into her car is at the signing, she has a map on her phone of the whole studio
  • Nicole see's the fan and looks extremely annoyed. 
  • Nicole goes off stage for a bit and looks for a drink of water
  • The fan breaks away from the crowed
  • She sneaks backstage into Nicole's dressing room and begins examining all Nicole's Makeup and hair items even sneaking a few of them into her bag
  • The whole time she does this she is pursued by a shadowy figure wearing a mask that has Nicole's face on it. 
  • The fan looks up into the mirror and notices that the figure is standing right behind her holding a knife
  • The fan is stabbed over and over, even though she tries to escape, the killer once stabbing her to death flees. 
  • Libby walks into the dressing room looking for some form of alcohol but she almost has a heart attack upon seeing the dead body she looks traumatised and begins looking for Nicole's drink but soon gives up and screams 
  • Libby runs out to Nicole telling her to call the police as someone has been murdered. Nicole looks emotionless. 
  • The camera fades out and the body is carried out of the auditorium Nicole now looks horrified and a policeman comes up to her asking if he could question her in her apartment. 
  • The police asks Nicole many questions about where she was at the time of the Victims death. Nicole tells him she was getting a drink of water. He asks Libby and she says she was preparing a drink for Nicole
  • The policeman finds the crumpled up paper from the interview sitting on Nicole's dressing table he asks Nicole if he can examine it, Nicole says sure... not really knowing what it is. He reads it out and it is the interview from the morning when Nicole complained about wanting to kill her fans. 
  • He immediately puts Nicole under arrest for manslaughter to which she protests profusely. 
  • Once Nicole is being taken out of the room by the police Libby Looks devastated but once Nicole is gone she smiles, goes through her bag and pulls out the Nicole mask she was wearing

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