Friday, 29 July 2016

Last Saturday

So last Saturday i wanted to make a real start on my filming. Libby and Nicole came over to film and because a lot of the Hitchcock story is told through the eyes if the characters rather than the dialogue they took their acting very seriously and asked lots of questions about what their characters motivations were and why they did what they did are were how they were. That was great.

I also took a bunch of photos from Nicole's Instagram to make fake magazine covers to really reinforce the fact that she is famous and show everyone that it is Nicole's apartment.

I wanted to show that there was more to Libbys character than meets the eye by putting a downward light on her face to make her look ominous but also have a bit of her face in shadow. 

To show that nicole's character has no ulterior motives and is not a killer there is a full wash of light over her. 

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