Sunday, 31 July 2016

Shots and why

Straight on angle to clearly show the newspaper articles and their content to show that Nicole is some sort of famous person (Hitchcock technique)

Panning camera to tell a story visually without the characters explicitly stating what sort of famous person she is. 

Lighting: Just slightly dark lighting, darker themes are being discussed in this scene but nothing to sinister is happening. 

Shot: Close up panning to get the action that occurs in detail

Straight on angle: to show in detail what is going on in this scene

Panning movement to tell a story visually without the aid of dialogue, panning to Libby writing in a notepad while Nicole's character speaks infers that she is some sort of psychologist or therapist (Hitchcock technique)

Lighting: Dark and shadowy to infer that Libby's character is more sinister than she looks

Shot: Close up to show the action that is happening in good amount of detail. 

Costume: Libby's character wears green to represent that she is envious of Nicole's character

Straight on angle: Neither character has the power in this circumstance, Marina has not started killing anyone yet and Adriana has not been victimised because of it so as a result the camera is equal, they are equals. 

Lighting: Dark and shadowy to infer that Libby's character is more sinister than she looks (Hitchcock lighting)

Shot: close up to really show Marinas true feelings through her eyes and facial expression. (A Hitchcock technique) She is doing one thing but meaning another, listening intently to Adriana but hating every minute of it and being jealous of her. 

Straight on angle: Neither character has the power in this circumstance, Marina has not started killing anyone yet and Adriana has not been victimised because of it so as a result the camera is equal, they are equals. 

Lighting: Bright wash over Nicole she doesn't have bad intentions. dark silhouette on the wall to infer that her actions in this room may have consequences. (Hitchcock lighting)

Shot: mid shot, this is more casual Nicole isn't saying once thing or doing one thing but meaning another, like Libby's character

Straight on angle: Neither character has the power in this circumstance, Marina has not started killing anyone yet and Adriana has not been victimised because of it so as a result the camera is equal, they are equals. 

Lighting: Dark and shadowy to infer that Libby's character is more sinister than she looks (Hitchcock lighting)

Shot: close up to really show Marinas true feelings through her eyes and facial expression. She is doing one thing but meaning another, listening intently to Adriana but hating every minute of it and being jealous of her. 

Straight on angle: Neither character has the power in this circumstance, Marina has not started killing anyone yet and Adriana has not been victimised because of it so as a result the camera is equal, they are equals. 

Lighting: Bright wash over Nicole she doesn't have bad intentions. dark silhouette on the wall to infer that her actions in this room may have consequences. (Hitchcock lighting)

Shot: mid shot, this is more casual Nicole isn't saying once thing or doing one thing but meaning another, like Libby's character

Straight on angle: Neither character has the power in this circumstance, Marina has not started killing anyone yet and Adriana has not been victimised because of it so as a result the camera is equal, they are equals. 

Lighting: Dark and shadowy to infer that Libby's character is more sinister than she looks and a bright wash over Nicole she doesn't have bad intentions. (Hitchcock lighting)

Mid shot: This shot is more about seeing the characters reactions to something that they are looking at rather than seeing their truest emotions through their eyes. 

Straight on angle: Its a door its an observing shot, showing what the characters are seeing to link to their reactions to what they are seeing, it isn't in power or experiencing a lack of power IT IS A DOOR. 

Lighting: Just slightly dark lighting, darker themes are being discussed in this scene but nothing to sinister is happening. 

Shot: Close up, to show the handle bing shaken in detail to express the fan outside's excitement about the prospect of meeting Adriana. This shows that Adriana is very popular through pure cinema instead of someone saying wow Adriana is such a big star fans come to her door. (A Hitchcock technique)

Straight on angle: Neither character has the power in this circumstance, Marina has not started killing anyone yet and Adriana has not been victimised because of it so as a result the camera is equal, they are equals. 

Lighting: Dark and shadowy to infer that Libby's character is more sinister than she looks and a bright wash over Nicole she doesn't have bad intentions. (Hitchcock lighting)

Mid shot: This shot is more about seeing the characters reactions to something that they are looking at (A Hitchcock technique) rather than seeing their truest emotions through their eyes. 

Straight on angle: Neither character has the power in this circumstance, Marina has not started killing anyone yet and Adriana has not been victimised because of it so as a result the camera is equal, they are equals. 

Lighting: Bright wash over Nicole she doesn't have bad intentions. dark silhouette on the wall to infer that her actions in this room may have consequences. (Hitchcock lighting)

Extreme Close up: to Show that Adriana feels strongly about the words she is sayings he really means every word of it. (Hitchcock technique)

Mid shot: To show that Marina is having a genuine reaction to what Adriana is saying. This is represented by the way that she looks up from her book. I wanted to include her notebook in this shot for this reason.

Lighting: Dark and shadowy to infer that Libby's character is more sinister than she looks (Hitchcock lighting)

Straight on angle: Neither character has the power in this circumstance, Marina has not started killing anyone yet and Adriana has not been victimised because of it so as a result the camera is equal, they are equals. 

Straight on angle: Neither character has the power in this circumstance, Marina has not started killing anyone yet and Adriana has not been victimised because of it so as a result the camera is equal, they are equals. 

Lighting: Bright wash over Nicole she doesn't have bad intentions. dark silhouette on the wall to infer that her actions in this room may have consequences. 

Mid shot: Adriana is still angry but is now finding this funny she isn't as serious about what she was saying and her body language displays this more than her eyes. 

Lighting: Dark and shadowy to infer that Libby's character is more sinister than she looks (Hitchcock lighting)

Straight on angle: Neither character has the power in this circumstance, Marina has not started killing anyone yet and Adriana has not been victimised because of it so as a result the camera is equal, they are equals. 

mid shot as Adriana leaves the room.

Straight on angle: Neither character has the power in this circumstance, Marina has not started killing anyone yet and Adriana has not been victimised because of it so as a result the camera is equal, they are equals. 

Lighting: Dark and shadowy to infer that Libby's character is more sinister than she looks

Shot: close up to really show Marinas true feelings through her eyes and facial expression. 

High angle: It is just to show what Marina is looking at as a vehicle for her reaction to it. (A Hitchcock technique)

Lighting: Just slightly dark lighting, darker themes are being discussed in this scene but nothing to sinister is happening.

Close up

Straight on angle: Neither character has the power in this circumstance, Marina has not started killing anyone yet and Adriana has not been victimised because of it so as a result the camera is equal, they are equals. 

Lighting: Dark and shadowy to infer that Libby's character is more sinister than she looks

Shot: close up to really show Marinas true feelings through her eyes and facial expression. 

Friday, 29 July 2016

Last Saturday

So last Saturday i wanted to make a real start on my filming. Libby and Nicole came over to film and because a lot of the Hitchcock story is told through the eyes if the characters rather than the dialogue they took their acting very seriously and asked lots of questions about what their characters motivations were and why they did what they did are were how they were. That was great.

I also took a bunch of photos from Nicole's Instagram to make fake magazine covers to really reinforce the fact that she is famous and show everyone that it is Nicole's apartment.

I wanted to show that there was more to Libbys character than meets the eye by putting a downward light on her face to make her look ominous but also have a bit of her face in shadow. 

To show that nicole's character has no ulterior motives and is not a killer there is a full wash of light over her. 

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Draft synposis

Mariana, a psychologist driven crazy by jealousy towards her films star sister, who struggles to cope with pressure from fans, starts to lose her mind and commit deadly crimes. 

Character profiles:
Adriana: She is a very dramatic film star who is passionate and proud of her work, (often referred to as a “Golden girl”) She however does not cope with fans and all the attention they give her and frequently speaks to her sister and psychologist about this issue to help her cope with this. She has a dark sense of humour and finds the prospect of murder quite funny.

Marina: She is a quiet psychologist whois highly jealous of all the fans that adore her sister. She wishes that she had that admiration and believes she would appreciate her fans much more. Because of her jealousy and the fact she has to hear her sister complain about something she wants it has caused her to have a second personality. This second personality is a heightened version of Nicole who kills her fans. Marina isn't aware of this second personality. 

Fade in, Adriana, a well dressed film star is being hounded by fans and paparazzi. Cut shot to a series of close ups between her and the paps. She gets into her car. Cut to close up, as she dials Marina, her sister and psychologists number, to complain about the fans. A fan pokes their head up from the backseat.  Cut to long shot, Adriana runs from the car horrified, pursued by the fan. Fade out. Marina sits on a chair across from Adrianna, who sits on her bed complaining to Marina about her fans. Close up of Marina looking closed off and envious at this. Close up of a door handle being fiddled with. A fan is outside. Adriana looks annoyed. Cut to close up of her turning to Marina and telling her jokingly about how she wants to kill her fans. Marina is shocked at this. Adriana as she walks out the door to go to a signing. Cut to Mid shot Marina stands up and rips the page out of the notebook that she has been writing on in anger. Fade out. Fade in, Adriana sits in a backstage dressing room doing her makeup. A shadowy figure walks past the door. Cut to Mid shot, Adriana worriedly at the doorway. A PA’s voice is heard “Adriana we are ready for you.” Cut to mid shot of a dark hallway, Adriana exits into the hallway, behind her is a shadowy figure who’s face is obscured by darkness. Fade out. Fade in, Long shot Adriana walks out onto a stage to an applause from her fans, but the fan from the car is looking down at a map of the theatre on her phone. Cut between close ups of Adriana annoyed, observing the fan leave the group and mid shots of the fan leaving the Langford theatre. Cut to long shot of the fan walking down the back room hallway, pursued by the dark shadowy figure wearing a mask of Adriana’s face. The fan walks into Adriana’s dressing room . Mid shot, She looks up into the mirror. A montage of short 1 second shots of different angles of the fan being stabbed by the Killer ensues, till she is left dead on the floor. (fade out) (fade in)  Cut to mid shot, Adriana is interrupted by Mariana who tells her that the police need to be called and that she has found a dead body. Cut to a series of close ups between Marina and Adriana as they speak of the murder.  Cut to mid shot of a police officer walking over to the girls. Close ups between police officer and two girls follow as he suggests they continue the discussion back at Adriana’s apartment. Cut to a mid shot of the Police officer sitting on a chair in front of Adriana’s bed and Adriana and Marina sitting on their bed. Cut to close ups between Marina and Adriana and of the Police officer as the Police officer conveys that she has found Adriana’s psychologist session when she said she wanted to kill her fans. He claims this is damning evidence against her and that she is under arrest. Cut to montage of 1 second shots where Adriana is taken away by police officers. Libby is left alone in the room. Cut to close up of her smiling, then reaching into her bag and pulling out the “Adriana” mask, revealing that she is the killer. 

Story line: 
I chose to include many specific Hitchcock storyline features in my actual storyline as a homage to his films. Almost all of his stories involve some kind of murder so naturally I had to create the murdering of a fan to trigger some of the events in the play. I also want dot delve into the psyche and what people will do when their boundaries are pushed. For Marina, her boundaries are pushed due to her jealousy of her sister and as a result she is driven crazy and wants to sabotage her sister and frame her for murder. Framing the innocent for murder is another Hitchcock signature plot line. I also chose in several ways to make it look like Adriana was the killer, (such as the fact she claims to hate her fans, wants to kill her fans and gets repeatedly angry at one particular fan, who ends up dead) when in reality Marina was the killer. This plot twist pulls the rug out from underneath the viewers, something that Hitchcock loved to do. 

For both characters I wanted to embrace the technique Hitchcock uses for many of his characters which is to have them be more than surface value, and what meets the eye. For example when Adriana is first seen one would presume she is a film star who is adored by her fans and adores them back when the truth of the matter is much darker and she actually finds her fans extremely hard to cope with to the point that she is seeking professional help to deal with the issue.  Adriana also finds the concept of murder very funny, another common trait of Hitchcock films. In the same way, Marina seems quiet and unassuming, helping her sister out when in reality she is exceptionally jealous of her and wants to undermine her in any way she possibly can even if it means murder. 

I chose to do several very “Hitchcock techniques” regarding the filming process. I used several techniques that Hitchcock commonly uses. A lot of his techniques were used to convey a story through pure cinema. 

I used the “Action reaction” technique where I would film a characters face then what he was seeing then their face reacting to what they were seeing to tell a story without dialogue. I also used many close ups to convey characters true feelings through their facial expressions, dialogue was far less important than this aspect of film. I also used montage shots and more specifically a 77 second stabbing scene between Marina and a fan. This shows conflict without dialogue, a classic Hitchcock manoeuvre. Alongside this I also used colour as a symbol, when Marina is feeling jealous she wears a green outfit and there is a green tinge to the room. I also used shadowy lighting over Marina often to show that there was more to her than there seemed. For a lot of the film though I chose to use bright lighting as a lot of murder stories, for Hitchcock happen in bright daylight. 

Final shot list

This must include all shots in the production. Shots must be listed in the order they will be shot (not the order they will appear in the film).  
Length of Shot: Duration
Shot Description and Visual information:
Shot type, camera movement, position, angle. 
Additional Shot Notes: 
lighting notes, action etc.
Voice-Over, Dialogue, Sound FX etc.
Additional notes as shots are gathered.
5 seconds
Shot: Long

Movement: Panning

Angle: Straight on

Location: The street near Adriana’s house

Lighting: Bright daylight

Action: Adriana walks out onto the street and immediately is bombarded by many cameras and paparazzi. 

Voice over: none

Adriana: “Oh hi! Hello, hi, yes, hi.”

Sound effects: Snapping sounds of cameras


Extra: none


Sound effects: none

2 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: The street near Adriana’ s house

Lighting: Bright Daylight

Action: Adriana looks one way at the cameras and people. 

Voice over: none

Adriana: “Hello.”

Sound effects: Snapping sounds of cameras


Extra: none


Sound effects: none
2 second
Shot: Close up


Angle: Straight on

Location: The street near Adriana’s house

Lighting: Bright daylight

Action: The cameras flash and fans get excited.

Voice over: none

Adriana: “Amazing to see you all.”

Sound effects: none


Extra: none


Sound effects: none
2 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: The street near Adriana’ s house
Lighting: Bright Daylight

Action: Adriana looks the other way at the cameras and people. 

Voice over: none

Adriana: “Hello.”

Sound effects: Snapping sounds of cameras


Extra: none


Sound effects: none
10 seconds
Shot: Long shot

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: the street near Adriana’s house
Lighting: Bright daylight

Action: Adriana walks from the group towards a car that pulls up

Voice over: none

Adriana: “Alright guys.”

Sound effects: none

Music: none

Extra: none


Sound effects: none
6 seconds
Shot: Mid shot

Movement: none

Angle:straight on

Location: The street near Adriana’s house
Lighting: Bright daylight

Action: Adriana goes to open her car door and turns around.

Voice over: none


Sound effects: none

Music: none

Extra: none


Sound effects: none
5 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: straight on

Location: The street near Adriana’s house
Lighting: Bright daylight

Action: Adriana turns towards her fans, then once she is finished talking she turns back around. 

Voice over: none

Adriana: “Alright, love you guys-“

Sound effects: none

Music: none

Extra: none


Sound effects: none
5 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: straight on

Location: the street near Adriana’s house
Lighting: Bright daylight

Action: Adriana’s fans and the Paparazzi stare admiringly back at her

Voice over:

Adriana: “-but I gotta get going.”

Sound effects: none

Music: none

Extra: none


Sound effects: none
5 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: straight on

Location: The street near Adriana’s house
Lighting: Bright daylight

Action: Adriana smiles brightly before turning back towards her car. 

Voice over: none


Sound effects: none

Music: none

Extra: none


Sound effects: none
2 seconds
Shot: Mid shot

Movement: none

Angle:straight on

Location: The street near Adriana’s house
Lighting: Bright daylight

Action: Adriana gets into her car

Voice over: none

Dialogue: none

Sound effects: none


Extra: none


Sound effects: none
5 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: Adriana’s personal car
Lighting: Still bright lighting but as not as bright as the outdoor area. 

Action: Adriana gets into the car

Voice over: none

Adriana: “ugghhh I cannot handle this.”

Sound effects: none


Extra: none


Sound effects: none
2 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: no movement

Angle: high angle

Location: Adriana’s personal car
Lighting: Still bright lighting but as not as bright as the outdoor area. 

Action: Ariana dials a number on her phone

Voice over: none

Dialogue: none

Sound effects: none


Extra: none


Sound effects: none
10 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: no movement

Angle: straight on angle

Location: Adriana's personal car
Lighting: Still bright lighting but as not as bright as the outdoor area. A girl pokes her head up from the back seat and Adriana screams. 

Action: Adriana holds the phone up to her ear and speaks into the phone. 

Voice over: none

Adriana: “Hey its me, I’ll be back soon for our session… I stayed as calm as I could but I just cannot deal with these fans, i want to stab the- AAAARgh” *Adriana whips around*

Sound effects: none


Extra: none


Sound effects: none
5 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: no movement

Angle: straight on angle

Location: Adrianas personal car
Lighting: Still bright lighting but as not as bright as the outdoor area. A girl pokes her head up from the back seat and Adriana screams. 

Action: Adriana turns to face the fan in the backseat she looks ravenous. 

Voice over: none

Adriana: “What are you doing!?”

Sound effects: none


Extra: none


Sound effects: none
5 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: no movement

Angle: straight on angle

Location: Adriana’s personal car
Lighting: Still bright lighting but as not as bright as the outdoor area. A girl pokes her head up from the back seat and Adriana screams. 

Action: The fan smiles back at Adriana

Voice over: none

Fan: “Omg I love you so much Adriana.”

Sound effects: none


Extra: none


Sound effects: none
5 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: no movement

Angle: straight on angle

Location: Adrianas personal car
Lighting: Still bright lighting but as not as bright as the outdoor area.

Action: Adriana looks horrified 

Voice over: none

Adriana: *turns to driver* “Pull this car over now!”

Sound effects: none


Extra: none


Sound effects: none

Shot: Long shot

Movement: none 

Angle: straight on

Location: Outside Adriana’s apartment
Lighting: Still bright lighting but as not as bright as the outdoor area.

Action: Adriana flees from the car and runs closer to her apartment building, she is closely followed by the fan. 

Voice over: none

Adriana: “Keep the change.”

Sound effects:


Extra: none


Sound effects: none

Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: straight on

Location: Outside Adriana’s apartment
Lighting: Bright daylight

Action: The fan runs towards the camera and stops looking out at where Adriana is going

Voice over: none

Dialogue: none

Sound effects: none


Extra: none


Sound effects: none

Shot: mid shot

Movement: none

Angle: straight on

Location: Outside Adriana’s apartment
Lighting: Bright daylight

Action: Adriana slips inside her apartment door

Voice over: none

Dialogue: none

Sound effects: none


Extra: none


Sound effects: none

Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: straight on

Location: Outside Adriana's apartment
Lighting: Bright daylight

Action: The fan looks excited and runs out of the frame clearly towards Adriana’s apartment. (Fade out)

Voice over: none

Dialogue: none

Sound effects: none


Extra: none


Sound effects: none
30 seconds
Shot: Mid shot

Movement: panning camera

Angle: Straight on angle that moves to high angle at times

Location: Adriana’s apartment

Lighting: Half shadow cast over libby face while Nicole is in the light.

Action: The Camera pans over many film posters of Adriana, then to a phone full of tweets critiquing her new film, then to a notepad Libby is holding where she is writing down everything Adriana is saying. It then pans to Libby’s face as she is listening to Adriana

Voice over: none

Adriana:“Sometimes I just cannot handle fans obsessive nature and negativity. And its like they always want my attention and think Im not even a real person.”


light green hue to the room

Costume: Libby wears a light green dress while Nicole wheres a well put together monochromatic outfit 

Extra: none

Sound effects: none
5 seconds
Shot: Mid shot

Movement: still camera

Angle: straight on angle

Location: Adriana’s house
Action: Libby nods at Adriana looking as if she is trying to hide her jealousy at Adriana life. 

Adriana: “And I know its hard for you to understand because even though you are my sister-“

Lighting: Half shadow cast over libby face

Extra: light green hue to the room

Costume: Libby wears a light green dress

Sound effects: none
5 seconds
Shot: Mid shot

Movement: still camera

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: Adriana’s house
Action: Adriana picks up her phone and scrolls through something while she is talking to Libby

Adriana: “-you have never had fans…”

Nicole is in the light. 

Lighting: Half shadow cast over libby face

Extra: light green hue to the room

Costume: Adriana wears a well put together monochromatic outfit

Sound effects: none
8 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: still camera

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: Adriana's apartment
Action: Libby looks genuinely annoyed at what Adriana is saying this time. When there is a banging on the door Libby averts her eyes

Adriana: “People that both adore and traumatise you every day-“ *There is a banging on the door.*

Lighting: Half shadow cast over libby face

Extra: light green hue to the room

Costume: Libby wears a light green dress

Sound effects: none
8 seconds
Shot: Mid shot

Movement: Still Camera

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: Adriana’s house
Action: Adriana looks extremely annoyed as a fan screams out to her from behind the door. 

Fan: “Adriana!? Adriana! Im not sure if your in here or not but if you are you are my absolute idol-“

Nicole is in the light. 

Extra: light green hue to the room

Costume: Adriana wears a well put together monochromatic outfit

Sound effects: none

5 seconds
Shot: Mid shot

Movement: Still camera

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: Adriana’s house
Action: You can hear a fan outside the door banging on it from the outside. the door is shown. 

Fan: “can you please come out, if not its okay-“

Extra: light green hue to the room

Lighting: Door is in the light

Sound effects: none
5 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: Still Camera

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: Adriana’s bedroom
Action: Adriana looks infuriately at the door. 

Fan:“can you follow me? lovinthehoskins98!”

Adriana: *shouting over the fan*: “So Anyway sometimes I want to kill my fans.”

Adriana is in the light. 

Extra: light green hue to the room

Costume: Adriana wears a well put together monochromatic outfit

Sound effects: none
5 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: Still Camera

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: Adriana’s house
Action: Libby looks shocked at Nicole. 

Fan: “Literally you are my actual life I loved you in your most recent movie-“

Adriana: *shouting over the fan with laughter* “Sometimes I truly plan locking my fans away in the cupboard and starving them to death-“

Lighting: Half shadow cast over libby face

light green hue to the room

Libby wears a light green dress
8 seconds
Shot: Mid shot

Movement: Still camera

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: Adriana’s house
Action: Adriana scrolls through her phone still talking to Libby. before getting up to leave

Fan: “Literally don't listen to the critics your the best actor in the world.”

Adriana: *shouting over the fan with laughter* “Maybe that way they would finally shut up… But Im late to a signing I must be going. Thanks Marina, you really are good at this.” 

Lighting: Adriana is in the light. 

Extra: light green hue to the room

Costume: Adriana wears a well put together monochromatic outfit 

Sound effects: none
5 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: Still camera

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: Adriana’s house
Action: Adriana walks away cutting Lib off from the camera for a second. Libby is almost fuming. 

Fan: “I just looovvveeee you so much!”

Adriana: *while walking away and yelling over the fan* “Im going out the back entrance!”

Lighting: Half shadow cast over libby face while Adriana is in the light. 

Extra: light green hue to the room

Costume: Libby wears a light green dress while Nicole wears a well put together monochromatic outfit

Sound effects: none

5 seconds 
Shot: Mid shot

Movement: Still camera

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: Adriana’s apartment
Action: Libby stands up holding the notebook, she looks behind her at the door where the fan is still knocking.

Lighting: Half shadow cast over libby face

Extra: light green hue to the room

Costume: Libby wears a light green dress

Sound effects: none

5 seconds
Shot: Mid shot

Movement: Still camera

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: Adriana’s apartment
Action: The fan is still knocking on the door, the sort os shown and the fan is heard knocking. 

Extra: light green hue to the room

Lighting: Door is in the light
5 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: Camera follows Libby’s head movements

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: Adriana’s bedroom
Action: Libby stares sympathetically at the door. Then looks down at her notebook in her hand. 

Lighting: Half shadow cast over libby face

Music: none

Extra: light green hue to the room

Costume: Libby wears a light green dress while Nicole wears a well put together monochromatic outfit

Sound effects: none
5 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: Still camera

Angle: High angle

Location: Adriana’s bedroom
Action: The notebook is seen in Libby’s hands. 

Lighting: Half shadow cast over libby face

Music: none

Extra: light green hue to the room

Costume: Libby wears a light green dress while Nicole wears a well put together monochromatic outfit

Sound effects: none

3 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: Still camera

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: Adriana’s house
Action: Libby stares angrily down at the notebook. 

Lighting: Half shadow cast over libby face

Music: none

Extra: light green hue to the room

Costume: Libby wears a light green dress while Nicole wears a well put together monochromatic outfit

Sound effects: none
5 seconds 
Shot: Close up

Movement: Still camera

Angle: High angle

Location: Adriana’s house
Action: Libby tears a page out of the notebook that she has been writing on

Lighting: Half shadow cast over libby face

Music: none

Extra: light green hue to the room

Costume: Libby wears a light green dress while Nicole wears a well put together monochromatic outfit

Sound effects: none
5 seconds
Shot: Long shot

Movement: no movement

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: Adriana’s signing
Action: Adriana is doing her makeup at a large mirror and a shadowy figure walks past the door. Adriana turns her head to the doorway after the figure has passed by.  

Lighting: The room is brightly lit

Music: none

Extra: darker green hue to the room

Adriana wears a classy looking dress

Sound effects: none
5 seconds
Shot: Mid shot

Movement: No movement

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: Adriana's signing
Action: Adriana puts her make up brush down and stares confusedly at the door. 

Lighting: The room is brightly lit

Music: none

Extra: darker green hue to the room

Adriana wears a classy looking dress

Sound effects: none
5 seconds
Straight on angle, mid shot, the backroom in the Langford theatre. 

Shot: Mid shot

Movement: No movement

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: Adriana's signing
Action: The doorway remains empty

Lighting: The room is brightly lit

Music: none

Extra: darker green hue to the room

Adriana wears a classy looking dress

Sound effects: none
5 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: no movement

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: Adrianas signing
Action: Adriana looks further confused, but when she is called she looks calm again presuming it is just a PA. She begins to turn her head away. 

Random PA: “Adriana we are ready for you!”
Nicole: “Coming”

Lighting: The room is brightly lit

Music: none

Extra: darker green hue to the room

Adriana wears a classy looking dress

Sound effects: none
5 seconds
Shot: Long shot

Movement: No movement

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: Adriana's signing
Action: Adriana turns back too the mirror and puts her makeup brush down. She stands up and walks out.  

Lighting: The room is brightly lit

Music: none

Extra: darker green hue to the room

Adriana wears a classy looking dress

Sound effects: none
10 seconds
Shot: Mid shot

Movement: No movement

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: Adriana's signing
Action: Adriana exits the room oblivious that behind her is a shadowy figure wearing a mask that is a copy of her face. 

Lighting: The room is brightly lit- Shadowy light from the Hallway

Music: none

Extra: darker green hue to the room

Adriana wears a classy looking dress

Sound effects: none
10 seconds
low angle, long shot, out in the front of the Langford theatre. 

Shot: Long shot

Movement: None

Angle: Low angle

Location: Adriana's signing
Action: Nicole comes out on stage and greets her fans. 

Nicole: “Hey guys!”
Fans: “Hi Adriana!”

Lighting: Bright and pleasant

Music: none

Extra: none

Adriana wears a classy looking dress
Fan wears casual clothes

Sound effects: none
5 seconds
Shot: Mid shot

Movement: still

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: Adriana’s signing
Action: A Fan looks excitedly up at Adriana

Adriana: “Alright guys just jump into a line-“

Lighting: Bright and pleasant

Music: none

Extra: none

Adriana wears a classy looking dress
Fan wears casual clothes

Sound effects: none
5 seconds
Low angle, close up, out the front of the Langford theatre

Shot: Close up

Movement: No movement

Angle: Low angle

Location: Adriana’s signing
Action: The fans phone screen is shown, she is looking at a map of the theatre

Adriana: “-and Ill get everything signed for you guys okay?”

Lighting: Bright and pleasant

Music: none

Extra: none

Adriana wears a classy looking dress
Fan wears casual clothes

Sound effects: none
5 seconds
Shot: Mid shot

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: Adriana's signing
Action: Adriana is still talking to her fans but looks confused and annoyed as she observes a fan leaving the line. 

Adriana: *sounding more confused* “Alright so thank you all so much for coming!”

Lighting: Bright and pleasant

Music: none

Extra: none

Adriana wears a classy looking dress
Fan wears casual clothes

Sound effects: none
5 seconds
Shot: Long shot

Movement: Camera pans from the fan to the stairs

Angle: High angle

Location: Adriana's signing
Action: A fan is seen walking away from the group. 

Adriana: *still sounding confused* “Its awesome guys.”

Lighting: Bright and pleasant

Music: none

Extra: none

Adriana wears a classy looking dress
Fan wears casual clothes

Sound effects: none
5 seconds 
Shot: Close up 

Movement: None

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: Adriana's signing
Action: Adriana looks even more further confused.

Lighting: Bright and pleasant

Music: none

Extra: none

Adriana wears a classy looking dress
Fan wears casual clothes

Sound effects: none
10 seconds
Shot: Long shot

Movement: none

Angle: Slightly high angle

Location: Adriana's signing
Action: The fan walks down the back hallway of the Langford theatre. She is suddenly pursued by a dark figure wearing a mask of Adriana’s face. The fan looks at the dressing room, stops and looks at it, then walks in.

Lighting: The hallway is shadowy and dark but the Dressing room is bright with a darker green hue in it.  

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Costume: Casual clothes

Sound effects: none
5 seconds 
Shot: Mid shot

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: Adriana's signing
Action: The fan stops in front of a large mirror staring at the makeup before her which is Adriana, she puts it in her bag. 

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Costume: Casual clothes

Sound effects: none
5 seconds
Shot: Mid shot

Movement: moving camera

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: Adriana's signing
Action: The shadowy figure is shown from the back creeping up on the fan

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana’s face.

Sound effects: none
5 seconds
Shot: Mid shot

Movement: none

Angle: Slightly high angle

Location: Adriana’s signing
Action: The fan looks up from her phone into the mirror and screams. Immediately the shadowy figure grabs her hands over her mouth to muffle the scream. 

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana’s face.

Sound effects: none
3 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: High angle

Location: Adriana’s signing
Action: The fan drops her phone

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: none

Sound effects: none
2 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: Adriana’s signing
Action: the figure pulls out a knife and lowering it

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana’s face.

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The fan screams and looks horrified

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face.

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The knife is raised and plunged again this time it discovered in blood, the fan screams, 

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face.

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: High angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The fan tries to push the killer away while screaming

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face.

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The fans hand tries to push the knife away from her body

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face.

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The fans face is screwed up as she struggles to push the knife away

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face.

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Mid shot

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: the two characters struggle in the fight

Lighting: Light and bright

Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 




Sound effects: 
1 seconds
Shot: mid shot

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: Through the mirror you see the killer break free of the fans grasp and raise the knife again

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Costume: Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face.

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Low angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The killer plunges the bloodied knife downwards again, the fan screams

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The fan grabs a hold of the killers arms

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Low angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The killer looks menacingly down at the fan

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: high angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: the knife is suspended in the killers shaky hands, being held away from the character. 

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The fans face is screwed up in both pain and concentration as she holds the knife away from her body

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: High angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The two characters feet shuffle in the struggle, close together. 

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The killer grabs the knife back from the fan

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: the killer repeatedly plunges the knife into the fans body

Lighting: Light and bright

Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. Music: 



Sound effects: 
1 seconds
Shot: Mid shot

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The killer and the fan struggle in the fight as the fan is stabbed over and over, this is reflected in the mirror. 

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The fans hands flail around

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The knife plunges into the fan

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle:  Straight on

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The fan screams 

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: High angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: Both the fan and the killers feet shuffle in the struggle

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The Fan finds an escape and breaks away from the killer

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The fans feet struggle to run

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The killers clutches the knife

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on 

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The killer runs after the fan, feet are seen 

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Mid shot

Movement: none

Angle: High angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The killer backs the fan into a corner

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Low angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: the killer raises the knife and plunges it down

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Mid shot

Movement: none

Angle: High angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The fan tries to shield herself from the knife with her hands turning to the left while the killer plunges his knife into her

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Mid shot

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The fans hands, now covered in blood shake and grip at the killer

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: low angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The killer looks menacingly down at the fan

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
close up, high angle, the back of the Langford theatre

Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: High angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: the knife is suspended in the killers shaky hands, being held away from the character. 

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The fans face is screwed up in both pain and concentration as she holds the knife away from her body

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The two characters feet shuffle in the struggle, close together. 

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Low angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The killer looks menacingly down at the fan

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds

Shot: Mid shot

Movement: none

Angle: High angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The victim tries to turn away from the killer’s knife plunging into her.

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: High angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The victim screams

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: the killer repeatedly plunges the knife into the fans body

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 second
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: High angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The fan tries to push the killer away while screaming

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 second
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The fans hand tries to push the knife away from her body

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 second
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The fans face is screwed up as she struggles to push the knife away

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 second
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The knife plunges into the fan

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 second
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The fan screams 

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: High angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: Both the fan and the killers feet shuffle in the struggle

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds

Shot: Mid shot

Movement: none

Angle: High angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The victim tries to turn away from the killer’s knife plunging into her.

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds

Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: High angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The victim screams

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: the killer repeatedly plunges the knife into the fans body

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Mid shot

Movement: none

Angle: High angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The victim is still being stabbed but this time her body is more limp she has less of a fight in her

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: the killer repeatedly plunges the knife into the fans body

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The fan gasps for air hyperventilating

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Low angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The killer looks menacingly down at the fan

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: the killer repeatedly plunges the knife into the fans body it is now much more limp

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: High angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: Both the fan and the killers feet are seen, the killer moves closer the victim remains still

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The fan gasps for air hyperventilating

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Low

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The killer looks menacingly down at the fan

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: the killer repeatedly plunges the knife into the fans body it is now much more limp

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: High angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: Both the fan and the killers feet are seen, the killer moves closer the victim remains still

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Costume: Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Low angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The killer looks menacingly down at the fan

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Costume: Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: the killer repeatedly plunges the knife into the fans body it is now much more limp

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Costume: Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The fan gasps for air hyperventilating

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none 

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Costume: Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face.

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: non

Angle: High angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: Both the fan and the killers feet are seen, the killer moves closer the victim remains still

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face.

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: the killer repeatedly plunges the knife into the fans body

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Costume: Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face.

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Mid shot

Movement: none

Angle: high angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The victim is still being stabbed but this time her body is more limp she has less of a fight in her

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face.

Sound effects: none
1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The killer plunges the knife into the victim one more time

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Nicole’s face. 

Sound effects: none
5 seconds
high angle, mid shot, the back of the Langford theatre

Shot: Mid shot

Movement: none

Angle: High angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The killer walks out of the room while the victim stays standing

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
5 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: Camera follows the victim

Angle: Straight on

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The victim slowly slides down the wall hyperventilating as she goes. 

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
5 seconds
Shot: Mid shot

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The fan smiles at the makeup she grabbed pulling it out of her pockets, before her eyes go blank

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face.

Sound effects: none
5 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The fans bloodied hand drops to the floor and the make up falls out slightly. 

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face.

Sound effects: none
10 seconds
Shot: Extreme close up to close up

Movement: Slow pan out from the victims eye

Angle: High angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The fan sits dead against the wall

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face.

Sound effects: none
5 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: High angle

Location: The backroom of Adriana's signing
Action: The fans hand lays dead on the floor

Lighting: Light and bright

Music: none 

Extra: Darker green hue to the room

Shadowy figure wears black clothes (like theatre blacks and a paper mask that is of Adriana's face. 

Sound effects: none
5 seconds
mid shot, straight on angle, Langford theatre stage

Shot: Mid shot

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: Adriana's signing
Action: Adriana is smiling and signing autographs. the loud cry of help is heard and Adriana looks up as Libby comes rushing to the front of the stage. 

Fans are chanting “Adriana! Adriana!”
Libby: *from backstage* HELP!
* Adriana looks around*
Libby: *Comes rushing in from backstage grabs Nicole by the shoulders*

Lighting: Bright and pleasant

Music: none

Extra: none

Adriana wears a classy looking dress

Libby wears a smart outfit looking done up and professional

Sound effects: none
5 seconds 
Shot: Close up


Angle: Straight on

Location: Adriana's signing
Action: Adriana stares at Libby’s horrified face, her expression shows deep confusion, Libby has a grip on both of her shoulders. 

Fans are chanting “Adriana! Adriana!”
Libby: “Theres been a murder, someones been murdered backstage!”

Lighting: Bright and pleasant

Music: none

Extra: none

Adriana wears a classy looking dress

Libby wears a smart outfit looking done up and professional

Sound effects: none
5 seconds
Close up, straight on angle, Langford theatre, no movement 



Location: Adriana's signing
Action: Libby looks horrified as she grips Adriana’s shoulders

Fans are chanting “Adriana! Adriana!”
Libby: “I- I think she's been stabbed theres a killer on the loose”

Lighting: Bright and pleasant

Music: none

Extra: none

Adriana wears a classy looking dress

Marina wears a smart outfit looking done up and professional

Sound effects: none
5 seconds 
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: Adriana's signing

Action: Adriana stares confused into Marina's face

Marina: “I’m serious we have to evacuate, we have to get the police here!”
Fans are chanting “Adriana! Adriana!”

Lighting: Bright and pleasant

Music: none

Extra: none

Costume: Marina wears a smart outfit looking done up and professional

Adriana wears a classy looking dress

Sound effects: none
5 seconds
Shot: Mid shot

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: Adriana's signing
Action: A policeman walks up to the two girls on stage

Dialogue: none

Lighting: Bright and pleasant


Adriana wears a classy looking dress

Marina wears a smart outfit looking done up and professional

Policeman wears a police outfit

Sound effect: none

5 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: Adriana’s signing
Action: Adriana and Marina re being interrupted by a police officer. 

Marina: “I just don’t know how to handle this!”
Adriana: “Listen we just-“
Police: “Girls… We need to ask a few questions-“ *All three characters look down*

Lighting: Bright and pleasant 

Extra: none

Adriana wears a classy looking dress

Marina wears a smart outfit looking done up and professional

Policeman wears a police outfit

Sound effect: none

10 seconds
Shot: Long

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: Adriana's signing
Action: The dead fan is carried out on a stretcher right in front of Marina, Adriana and the police officer. They all watch as the stretcher passes by them. 

Dialogue: none

Lighting: Bright and pleasant

Extra: none

Adriana wears a classy looking dress

Marina wears a smart outfit looking done up and professional

Policeman wears a police outfit

Sound effect: none

5 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: Adriana's signing
Action: Seeing the fan like this is too much for Marina who starts crying. Adriana looks shocked and the Police officer looks deeply saddened. 

Police officer: “What a loss, such a young life too.” *turns back around to face Marina and Adriana*

Lighting: Bright and pleasant

Extra: none

Adriana wears a classy looking dress

Marina wears a smart outfit looking done up and professional

Policeman wears a police outfit

Sound effect: none

2 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: Adriana's signing
Action: the Police officer turns back around and speaks to the girls

Police officer: “Maybe it would be best-“

Lighting: Bright and pleasant

Extra: none

Adriana wears a classy looking dress

Marina wears a smart outfit looking done up and professional

Policeman wears a police outfit

Sound effect: none


Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on angle

Location: Adriana's apartment
Action: The two girls stare back at the Police man, Adriana looks shocked and Marina looks tearful and sad. 

Police: “If we continued this-“

Lighting: Bright and pleasant

Extra: none

Adriana wears a classy looking dress

Marina wears a smart outfit looking done up and professional

Policeman wears a police outfit

Sound effect: none

5 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: Adriana's apartment
Action: The policeman continues to speak to the girls

Police: “Back at yours?” Fade out

Lighting: Bright and Pleasant

Extra: none

Adriana wears a classy looking dress

Marina wears a smart outfit looking done up and professional

Policeman wears a police outfit

Sound effect: none

5 seconds
Shot: Mid shot

Movement: none

Angle: straight on

Location: Adriana’s apartment
Action: The Police woman, Adriana, and Marina all sit. Adriana and Marina sit on the bed while the police faces the two girls. 

Police: “Alright girls before we get down to basic questioning I want to ask one thing that has been bothering me?”

Lighting: Shadow is cast over Libby while Adriana and Policeman remain in the light

Extra: none

Adriana wears a classy looking dress

Marina wears a smart outfit looking done up and professional

Policeman wears a police outfit

Sound effects: none


Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: straight on

Location: Adriana’s apartment
Action: Marina casts her eyes to the bedside table where she notices the piece of paper she teared out this morning missing. 

Police: “Alright girls before we get down to basic questioning I want to ask one thing that has been bothering me?”

Lighting: Shadow is cast over Libby while Adriana and Policeman remain in the light

Extra: none

Adriana wears a classy looking dress

Marina wears a smart outfit looking done up and professional

Policeman wears a police outfit

Sound effects: none

2 seconds
Shot: mid shot

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: Adriana’s apartment
Action: Marina and Adriana stare blankly at the officer

Adriana: “What is that?”

Lighting: Shadow is cast over Marina while Adriana and Policeman remain in the light

Extra: none

Adriana wears a classy looking dress

Marina wears a smart outfit looking done up and professional

Policeman wears a police outfit

Sound effects: none

10 seconds
Shot: Mid shot

Movement: none

Angle: straight on

Location: Adriana’s apartment
Action: The police officer directly speaks to the girls

Dialogue: *The police officer pulls out a folded piece of paper and reads it allowed.* “My client has been struggling to deal with her fans and has frequent thoughts about killing them.”

Lighting: Shadow is cast over Marina while Adriana and Policeman remain in the light

Extra: none

Adriana wears a classy looking dress

Marina wears a smart outfit looking done up and professional

Policeman wears a police outfit

Sound effects: none

3 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: Adriana’s apartment
Action: Adriana's eyes widen and she looks at Libby in an absolutely horrified way.

Adriana: “Oh god it was a joke I swear to god-“

Lighting: Shadow is cast over Marina while Adriana and Policeman remain in the light

Extra: none

Adriana wears a classy looking dress

Marina wears a smart outfit looking done up and professional

Policeman wears a police outfit

Sound effects: none

2 seconds
Shot: close up

Movement: none 

Angle: straight on

Location: Adriana’s apartment
Action: The police officer shakes her head and begins to stand up


Lighting: Shadow is cast over Marina while Adriana and Policeman remain in the light

Extra: none

Adriana wears a classy looking dress

Marina wears a smart outfit looking done up and professional

Policeman wears a police outfit

Sound effects: none

5 seconds
Shot: mid shot

Movement: none

Angle:straight on

Location: Adriana’s apartment
Action: The police officer threateningly leans over the desk at 

Dialogue: “This statement, I hope you realise Miss Adriana is enough to have you arrested, coupled with the fact that you were not on stage when the crime happened.”

Lighting: Shadow is cast over Libby while Adriana and Policeman remain in the light

Extra: none

Adriana wears a classy looking dress

Marina wears a smart outfit looking done up and professional

Policeman wears a police outfit

Sound effects: none

5 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle:straight on

Location: Adriana’s apartment
Action: Adriana looks horrified

Dialogue: “The evidence against you is practically damning. And we will have back up here in five-”

Lighting: Shadow is cast over Marina while Adriana and Policeman remain in the light

Extra: none

Adriana wears a classy looking dress

Marina wears a smart outfit looking done up and professional

Policeman wears a police outfit

Sound effects: none

5 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle:straight on

Location: Adriana’s apartment
Action: The police continues to lean threateningly over the desk

Dialogue: “To take you to the slammer, don’t even try to run, it will make you look more guilty.” fade out

Lighting: Shadow is cast over Libby while Adriana and Policeman remain in the light

Extra: none

Adriana wears a classy looking dress

Marina wears a smart outfit looking done up and professional

Policeman wears a police outfit

Sound effects: none

1 second
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: Adriana’s apartment
Action: Adriana looks horrified

Adriana: “What?”

Lighting: Shadow is cast over Marina while Adriana and Policeman remain in the light

Extra: none

Adriana wears a classy looking dress

Marina wears a smart outfit looking done up and professional

Policeman wears a police outfit

Sound effects: none

1 second
Shot: mid shot

Movement: none

Angle: low

Location: Adriana’s apartment
Action: Three police officers walk through the door

Adriana: “No!”

Lighting: Shadow is cast over Marina while Adriana and Policeman remain in the light

Extra: none

Adriana wears a classy looking dress

Marina wears a smart outfit looking done up and professional

Policeman wears a police outfit

Sound effects: none

1 second
Shot: close up

Movement: none

Angle: high

Location: Adriana’s apartment
Action: Adriana looks around horrified at the police

Adriana: “Im innocent.”

Lighting: Shadow is cast over Marina while Nicole and Policeman remain in the light

Extra: none

Nicole wears a classy looking dress

Marina wears a smart outfit looking done up and professional

Policeman wears a police outfit

Sound effects: none

2 seconds
Shot: mid shot

Movement: none

Angle: low

Location: Adriana’s apartment
Action: The head police officer looks down at Adriana condescending

Police: “yeah tell it to the-“

Lighting: Shadow is cast over Marina while Nicole and Policeman remain in the light

Extra: none

Nicole wears a classy looking dress

Marina wears a smart outfit looking done up and professional

Policeman wears a police outfit

Sound effects: none

1 second
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: high angle

Location: Adriana’s apartment
Action: Hand cuffs are put on Adriana

Police officer: “-judge.”

Lighting: Shadow is cast over Marina while Adriana and Policeman remain in the light

Extra: none

Nicole wears a classy looking dress

Marina wears a smart outfit looking done up and professional

Policeman wears a police outfit

Sound effects: none

1 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: straight on

Location: Adriana’s apartment
Action: Marina looks fake sad at what is happening at Nicole

Marina: “No!”

Lighting: Shadow is cast over Libby while Adriana and Policeman remain in the light

Extra: none

Nicole wears a classy looking dress

Marina wears a smart outfit looking done up and professional

Policeman wears a police outfit

Sound effects: none

1 second
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: high

Location: Adriana’s apartment
Action: Adriana struggles against the hand cuffs

Dialogue: none

Lighting: Shadow is cast over Marina while Nicole and Policeman remain in the light

Extra: none

Adriana wears a classy looking dress

Marina wears a smart outfit looking done up and professional

Policeman wears a police outfit

Sound effects: none

5 seconds
Shot: mid shot

Movement: none

Angle: straight on

Location: Adriana’s apartment
Action: Adriana is escorted out of the room by police while Marina stands behind looking fake sad

Adriana: “This isn't right!”

Lighting: Shadow is cast over Libby while Adriana and Policeman remain in the light

Extra: none

Adriana wears a classy looking dress

Marina wears a smart outfit looking done up and professional

Policeman wears a police outfit

Sound effects: none

5 seconds
Shot: Mid shot

Movement: none

Angle: high angle

Location: Adriana’s apartment
Action: Marina watches Adriana get escorted out of the door.

Dialogue: none

Lighting: Shadow is cast over Marina while Marina and Policeman remain in the light

Extra: none

Adriana wears a classy looking dress

Marina wears a smart outfit looking done up and professional

Policeman wears a police outfit

Sound effects: none

5 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: Adriana’s apartment
Action: Marina smiles then looks down at her bag


Lighting: Shadow is cast over Marina while Adriana and Policeman remain in the light

Extra: none

Nicole wears a classy looking dress

Marina wears a smart outfit looking done up and professional

Policeman wears a police outfit

Sound effects: none

Music: none
5 seconds
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: High angle

Location: Adriana’s apartment
Action: Marina pulls out the mask the murderer was wearing


Lighting: Shadow is cast over Marina while Adriana and Policeman remain in the light

Extra: none

Adriana wears a classy looking dress

Marina wears a smart outfit looking done up and professional

Policeman wears a police outfit

Sound effects: none

Music: none
Shot: Close up

Movement: none

Angle: Straight on

Location: Adriana’s apartment
Action: Marina smiles… Fade out


Lighting: Shadow is cast over Marina while Adriana and Policeman remain in the light

Extra: none

Adriana wears a classy looking dress

Marina wears a smart outfit looking done up and professional

Policeman wears a police outfit

Sound effects: none

Music: none

Mr Andrews helped me with my final idea, I had way too many shots and the whole thing was just way too long so Mr andrews helped me condense it down in terms of the tory. We decided to end it after Adriana got arrested as mistaken arrests are a big part of Hitchcock films. After this moment Marina smiles watching Adriana get dragged out of the room. She looks down into her bag and pulls the killer mask out, revealing through pure cinema and no dialogue that she is the real Killer.