Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Research and element ananlysis

Film Title: Chicago
Director: Rob Marshall
Information about the director
-        Directed Memoirs of a geisha (2005)
-        Directed into the woods (2014)
-        Pirates of the Caribbean on stranger tides (2011)
-        Nine (2009)
-        Annie (TV movie) 1999
-        Chicago
-        Chicago won six Oscars
Genre Identification: Identify the film sequence’s major genre and relevant sub-genres
Major sequence genre: Musical
Relative sub genre: Crime
Research and identify specific genre conventions relating to these genres
-        Over the top or exaggerated hair makeup costume
-        Enhanced lighting, even ‘natural’ lighting can be enhanced to make the character look a certain way.
-        Setting is often stereotyped and over the top
-        Acting style is commonly over the top, very enthusiastic or exaggerated, can be stereotyped.
- Anything to enhance the character, situation, setting, there are no specifics related to this genre.
Sound and editing:
- Music, song and dance and rhythmic editing to correspond with the music.

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