Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Planning for genre assignment


·       Thesis
·       Genre
·       Films
·       Outline each main point
-       Both Chicago and Singing in the rain were successful in their establishment of the musical genre.
-       Hair, makeup, lighting and acting style are all exaggerated and sometimes over the top.
-       Both clips use music to establish situations
-       Rob Marshall is a multi award winning director
-       He has directed two musicals
-       Stanley Donan was on Broadway at 11
-       Donan worked on many successful musicals in his time
-       Gene Kelly was second director, and starred in SITR
-        Been in many other Broadway productions

Body (paragraphs)

Paragraph One
·       topic Sentence
·       introduce main idea/argument
·       Supporting Evidence
·       Link to next paragrapraph
-       Chicago and SITR use props, costume and acting style to enhance characterisation situation and genre
-       Roxie’s wide eyes and face in press scene (effective) she is being controlled
-       Singing in the rain costume, good suit getting drenched
-       This enforced the character is in love.
-       Builds genre and characterisation

Paragraph Two
·       topic Sentence
·       introduce main idea/argument
·       Supporting Evidence
·       Link to next paragrapraph
-       Characterisation, symbolism and meaning is enhanced with movement
-       Roxie’s stiff controlled movements show she is being controlled
-       Dawn jumping onto lamp post happily shows he is in love.

Paragraph Two
·       topic Sentence
·       introduce main idea/argument
·       Supporting Evidence
·       Link to next paragrapraph
·       _____________
-       Cinematography builds up a characters personality and situation.
-       Low angle shot of Billy Flynn being puppeteer shows power and control
-       Downward pan onto Dawns face shows love.

4th  Paragraph
-       Sound and editing help to reinforce the musical genre.
-       They create feel and rhythm in the scenes
-       Quick invisible rhythmic edits in Chicago create atmosphere and mood
-       Show Roxie is being bombarded with press questions
-       Atmosphere and mood is created in singing in the rain scene
-       Song Juxtaposes the weather
-       Music corresponds with edits
-       Dawns tap dancing sound effect is ineffective

·       Restate key points
·       Summarise main idea/argument
·       No new evidence

-       Both films successfully establish the genre of a musical
-       Detailed and successful use of genre conventions
-       Great films

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