Wednesday, 7 September 2016


So today I redid a scene I had refilled twice making it the third time I had to re film it. Needless to say we were all pretty over it. The last time I filmed it my Camera was good quality, but it wasn't the camera that focused on peoples faces. I wanted to use that one, so I re-filmed with that camera and the facial expressions came up much more nicely. Last time I filmed it there was too much light on th bedside table and not enough o the actors, so I made sure the shadowy lighting was on the actors, and also casting harsh shadows onto the walls for a Hitchcock like style shot. I also refilled it in the same way as I did with the re filmed police scene. I made the actors just act out the whole scene and I got it from a few different angles. Again this made it much more natural for them and allowed me to chose the best parts of it in editing.

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