Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Watching more supersize me

In the Documentary super size me I have noticed a few things that we were asked to reflect upon today.

The first thing is: How has the director portrayed the companies?

As in Mc Donalds. It is portrayed solely as this booming greedy, money hungry almost demonic and creepy organisation that feeds off the stupidity of society. The big company managers are often depicted as caricatures of the greedy businessman. We don't hear from them in person but only hear descriptions about them. It is portrayed as an industry that feeds off the naivety of young children and has the guarantee that they will be back to eat there all their lives associating good feelings, colour and tasty, yet unhealthy food with it. It is also portrayed as a company that despite it being a "family restaurant" it doesn't care in the slightest. Its nutrition information is hidden away or not properly displayed and it lacks empathy for the health state of the visitors.

How has the director portrayed the general population?

The director has only shown a very small portion of the general population. And all of the people interviewed or filmed are very overweight and understand or know little about health or calories or the detrimental nature of the fast food industry. Because of this the general population looks pretty fat and stupid.

I think they are exaggerating some things.

I truly don't believe that all schools in America are sold such terribly unhealthy food as is shown through this documentary. Most of the population is also shown as Obese. I do  believe there are lots of obese people in America but when I went to New York two years ago I hardly saw any Obese people. If Im honest I saw just as many as in Australia. Most people who work at Mc Donald's, in the documentary are overweight, however this is exaggerated I honestly donates too many fat people working at Mc Donald's. My friend actually works there and she is quite fit and healthy. I also believe many people would know about Calories. But it is just the people who do not know about Calories that are put in the documentary. In the moment I felt that it wasn't an exaggeration and i felt horrified by what I was watching but looking back on it now I realise that they are trying to position you to feel a certain way in this documentary and for this reason they wouldn't show anyone who knew a thing about health or nutrition.

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