Wednesday, 24 February 2016

My updated synopsis

Abby is sitting at her desk speaking to a camera. “There are 83 million fake profiles. 50 percent of 18 to 24 year olds go on Facebook as soon as they wake up. And if Facebook was a country it would be the third largest in the world. It is used for business, pleasure and fun but can something so booming and so popular have a downside? Could youth of Australia be apart of Facebook danger?” As Abby is speaking incriminating photographs of Facebook flash up to the screen until the screen is completely covered.  A Facebook profile  fades onto the screen. Abby describes the process of going through someones Facebook account to get personal information. Cut shot fast motion shot of millions of Facebook photos displaying photos/ personal detail. Cut Back to Abby who explains how the website Reverse Australia allows you to access a home address through a phone number. Abby is seen walking down a street towards a house address. “And now I have found the house from just the phone number. A predator can do this just as easily.” Abby walks into a frame and stands in front of house number 27. She explains a story about a murder that started on Facebook. Two teens are sitting on a couch looking at their phone. Abby's voice can be heard: “Did you know that 30% of teens today share their password with a friend and girls are twice as likely to do this as boys.” Fade to someone who’s computer screen shows that they cannot get into their Facebook account. “That means that if ever something happens between you and the person you shared the information with they have the power to destroy your reputation.” Fade to Abby sitting at her laptop speaking directly to the camera. “This impacts the youth of Australia as they are often very trusting and believe no one that they shared their password with would ever do that to them. But the reality is harsh and can often lead to serious distress in teens as they sit back and watch how easily their reputations can be ruined by a simple hack. Facebook accounts are hacked 600 000 times a day (This statistic appears on the screen) which means that 0.6% (This statistic appears alongside it) of all log ons to Facebook are for hacking purposes.” Abby does a simple google search of how to hack a Facebook. She then explain how to hack a Facebook while hacking our hypothetical account that we have created on the screen. Fade to Abby sitting at her computer as she begins to explain the story of Hannah Buckley. While explaining there will also be some shots of a phone sitting on a desktop and is being filled with text messages like “whats going on?” “Why would you send this to me?’ “Is this you?”. As well as this there will be a Shot of Facebook onscreen which shows someone who is unable to be able to log into their account.. Fade to Abby and a friend of her mum’s sitting next to each other on chairs. Abby interviews the friend about a scam that occurred to her over Facebook. There is a fade to a computer screen with a mouse scrolling through Facebook while statistics appear comes onto the screen. “Facebook is a big place and an even bigger danger if you don't protect yourself. Please try to take the correct precautions when using it so you don't end up as another number in the Australian youth who has been apart of Facebook Danger. 

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