Tuesday, 9 February 2016


After a brief discussion with my group today we have decided that the social media platform we want to focus our assignment on is Facebook and we want to take a negative angle on t. This is mainly because Facebook is such a broad thing and we can talk about so many things from cyberbullying, to oversharing parents to dangers on Facebook.

Over sharing parents on social media
- Many parents live through their children on Facebook
- They feel the need to post every little achievement, every little milestone everything that happens with their kids
- They are very typical humble braggers which can get very irritating.
- One person claims that a friend posted more than 10 updates about her child's fever going up and down.
- Sometimes people can draw statuses that have nothing to do with their children back to their child

"Pointless chain: Copy and paste this if you are a proud mamma who will always put their children first and never last!!
Passive aggressive: I'm just not the kind of mother who wants to dump my kid in day care. No judgement. But each to their own.
Full aggressive: When I see my baby sweetly wave at an adult… and the adult does NOT wave back, I want to cut that adult's hand off so they would have reason to ignore my child."

Cyberbullying and danger
- Thirteen is the age Facebook says you must be however children younger than this are getting it, and are often not mature or developed mentally enough to be on this site, deal with other people on line or the repercussions of their actions. 
- Children or young teenagers often feel brave and invincible behind the screen as they cannot properly interact with the other person they are talking to and cannot see their facial expressions reactions and how their words are impacting them. This can lead to people saying things they would never say in real life because their words could cause real damage. Many teens can also add to the bullying through a simple click of a button. 
- Facebook has many fake profiles that can be predators preying on younger children or cat fishing them. This could put children in real danger as often these profiles are very convincing. They could even include photos or family pictures to try and add to the authenticity of the page. As well as this they often tell young people the things they want and need to hear in order to glean their trust. 
- Facebook estimates that between 5.5% and 11.2% of its users are actually fake. 
(they didn't make unfriended for no reason even though its a terrible movie)

As well as this on Facebook 
- It is very easy for your information (because everything you post is so easily accessible) to be shared with third parties. Think about how easily things can be screen shotted now a days. 
- Facebook ads often contain malware. Malware is a hostile dangerous and often intrusive computer software that can be installed in your computer without you being aware when you click on ads.

- Another thing that people don't realise when posting to Facebook is that despite all the privacy settings in the world your Facebook profile will never be truly private. It can always be accessed by future employers. Nothing can ever really be deleted either.

- Young people also have trouble differentiating hat is appropriate to post online and what isn't. This could lead to them finding themselves in trouble or unemployed because their employers have looked through their profiles and found them inappropriate.

- there have been found pedophiles on Facebook who have been using the site to send each other child pornography

- There is a place to report pedophiles or child predators on Facebook it is obviously not a completely uncommon occurrence.

- 100% of the time teens that are willingly communicating with social predators on platforms like Facebook have gone and met with them.

- 33% of teens are Facebook friends with people whom they have not met in person. 

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