Monday, 29 February 2016


Today we handed in our production schedule which means it is finally time to get filming. Today our group met together and Abby decided it would be best if we sent her all the days we are free so she could make a filming schedule so we can be particularly organised and start filming as soon as possible as our rough edit is due next Wednesday. Which is terrifying. Today I got everyone in our group to send me their treatments with the best parts that they liked from it highlighted. Everyone cho e to use my script as the base of our assignment. I managed to find some great parts from both Abby and Tanays script and incorporated them into mine. From Abbys I took the part about online pedophiles, statistics and hacking as well as an interview she is doing with her mums friend who was a victim of a Facebook scam Its great that she will talk to us as it is a great exampple of the dangers Facebook. I think scamming on Facebook can be dangerous as if adults fall for it youth of today are most likely to fall for it too and lose large amount of money, personal information and wind up in financial trouble or even serious danger. Abbys script also talks about pedophiles and online predators. I think this is another great aspect of her script as many of the Australian youth of today di not personally know all their friends on Facebook and it is hard to know exactly who you are actually talking to, if they truly have good intentions or if they do not. Since there are many online predators teens are in danger of falling victim to one and being raped or killed or sexually abused. Following on from this point is one I used from Tanays treatment where she interviews members of the public to find out if they know all of their friends on Facebook really.

Saturday, 27 February 2016

Making it interesting?

So one of the comments I received back on my draft is how will I make one particular shot interesting. This shot is a very long one as it is Abby demonstrating how to hack a macbook account and it will be done internally through a computer screen. This could get very very boring very quickly so I thought some ways to make it entertaining would be to incorporate what is called "B roll" stuff. This is essentially clips that relate to what is being spoken about in the documentary and I guess everything that is not abby speaking directly to the camera could be classified as b oll as it is clips that relate to what she is saying. But anyway I was thinking of overlaying different clips of things like: teens slamming their laptops shut to represent their frustrations with social media or careless nature just leaving their laptop unaware of the danger their social media accounts pose to themselves. Teens whispering to demonstrate sharing passwords, a phone receiving multiple text messages regarding what is being posted on Facebook to represent the consequences of being hacked etc. These overlaid with the instructions for hacking, I feel, will make it much more interesting to watch.

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

So today

So today I found out that we have to divide the film into our group. I decided I would talk about hacking as it was mostly my idea. So basically I just have 500 words to focus on that. That makes it a whole lot easier.

My updated synopsis

Abby is sitting at her desk speaking to a camera. “There are 83 million fake profiles. 50 percent of 18 to 24 year olds go on Facebook as soon as they wake up. And if Facebook was a country it would be the third largest in the world. It is used for business, pleasure and fun but can something so booming and so popular have a downside? Could youth of Australia be apart of Facebook danger?” As Abby is speaking incriminating photographs of Facebook flash up to the screen until the screen is completely covered.  A Facebook profile  fades onto the screen. Abby describes the process of going through someones Facebook account to get personal information. Cut shot fast motion shot of millions of Facebook photos displaying photos/ personal detail. Cut Back to Abby who explains how the website Reverse Australia allows you to access a home address through a phone number. Abby is seen walking down a street towards a house address. “And now I have found the house from just the phone number. A predator can do this just as easily.” Abby walks into a frame and stands in front of house number 27. She explains a story about a murder that started on Facebook. Two teens are sitting on a couch looking at their phone. Abby's voice can be heard: “Did you know that 30% of teens today share their password with a friend and girls are twice as likely to do this as boys.” Fade to someone who’s computer screen shows that they cannot get into their Facebook account. “That means that if ever something happens between you and the person you shared the information with they have the power to destroy your reputation.” Fade to Abby sitting at her laptop speaking directly to the camera. “This impacts the youth of Australia as they are often very trusting and believe no one that they shared their password with would ever do that to them. But the reality is harsh and can often lead to serious distress in teens as they sit back and watch how easily their reputations can be ruined by a simple hack. Facebook accounts are hacked 600 000 times a day (This statistic appears on the screen) which means that 0.6% (This statistic appears alongside it) of all log ons to Facebook are for hacking purposes.” Abby does a simple google search of how to hack a Facebook. She then explain how to hack a Facebook while hacking our hypothetical account that we have created on the screen. Fade to Abby sitting at her computer as she begins to explain the story of Hannah Buckley. While explaining there will also be some shots of a phone sitting on a desktop and is being filled with text messages like “whats going on?” “Why would you send this to me?’ “Is this you?”. As well as this there will be a Shot of Facebook onscreen which shows someone who is unable to be able to log into their account.. Fade to Abby and a friend of her mum’s sitting next to each other on chairs. Abby interviews the friend about a scam that occurred to her over Facebook. There is a fade to a computer screen with a mouse scrolling through Facebook while statistics appear comes onto the screen. “Facebook is a big place and an even bigger danger if you don't protect yourself. Please try to take the correct precautions when using it so you don't end up as another number in the Australian youth who has been apart of Facebook Danger. 

Our documentary

Our documentary is a participatory documentary.

For my short part of the documenrty I have planned a few things to make it at truly participatory documentary I have come up with a few ideas

- Abby is very involved in this documentary not just as a voice of god type character but almost as if acting as a criminal, or demonstrating what a criminal could do if they had the means or intent.
- Abby will demonstrate in my three minutes of the documentary how to hack into a Facebook account without an email address therefore highly participating in the criminal activity she is talking about.
- Abby will not however be breaking any real laws as the account she will be hacking will be hypothetical and made by us for the purposes of this documenrty.
- This will also be made very clear in this documenrty so the people watching know that we are not braking any real laws.
Today I got some feedback for my treatment and there is a bit of an issue. My synopsis is in dot points. That is definitely an issue as it does not rad like an actual documentary synopsis and it is quite disjointed when reading, as it is a dot point list. I was told to re write it as more of a paragraph.

Heres what I had.


  • Black screen 
  • White words appear: Facebook Danger. Audio behind this can be heard: “Five new Facebook profiles are created every second.”

  • A Facebook profile can be seen on a computer screen it is being scrolled through.

  • Shot of Facebook activity, Voice over: “There are 83 million fake profiles.” “50 percent of 18 to 24 year olds go on Facebook as soon as they wake up.”

  • Shot of Facebook statistics flashing onto screen  Voice over: And if Facebook was a country it would be the third largest in the world. “It is used for business, pleasure and fun but can something so booming and so popular have a downside? Could youth of Australia be apart of Facebook danger?”

First point
  • Computer screen can be seen. On it two people are having a conversation over message. voice over says: “Young people feel like Facebook is a friendly and inviting place and often share lots of information. So lets go onto this hypothetical Facebook profile we have created.”

  • Screen changes. A hypothetical Facebook profile that will be made for demonstrations in this video appears onscreen. On the Facebook profile images are being opened.  Abby’s voice over: “The statistics are quite interesting. 91% of teenagers share photos of themselves.”

  • Abby sits at the computer. Abby says: “Not that shocking as well see it all the time.” 

  • Facebook screen is seen. The mouse clicks on details and more information. The hypothetical school name, city and town dress are shown. Voice over: “Now 71% of people post their school name and city and town address, again quite common but getting a bit more dangerous and a bit more personal. 

  • Abby is shown sitting at her computer desk. “And I have access to it.”

  • Shot of a mouse clicking on contact information appears on the screen. Voice over: “Now with 53% posting their personal email I suddenly have a way of communicating with the person.” 

  • Abby sits typing at her computer address. 

  • Shot of the computer screen. Abby copies the email from Facebook and opens a new email pasting it into it.

  • Abby sits at the desk looking at the computer. She then turns back to the camera. Abby dialogue: “As well as this 20% of teens post their phone number online. You may not think this is a large statistic but 5 new profiles are added every second. That is a huge number of teens posting something as personal as their phone number online. And the scariest thing about phone numbers is how easy it is to get a home address from them. So lets see what we can do.”  Abby turns back to the screen.

  • The screen is shown Abby clicks on contact information and highlights the phone number on the hypothetical profile. “Lets just say this person has put up their phone number, I can go straight to websites like Reverse Australia and do this.” Abby pastes the phone number in and presses search. Details and house dress come up. “And now I have access to this persons home address.” 

  • Abby walks down a street. Voice over: “The problem with this is how easily accessible your information is to online predators.” 

  • Abby passes a house number. Voiceover: “And the danger is much more real-“

  • Abby continues walking down the street “-than young people these days realise.”  

  • Abby walks up to a sign that says 27. “And now I have found the house from just the phone number. A predator can do this just as easily.”

  • Shot of a conversation happening over a computer screen on Facebook. Abby voice over: “This seriously impacts our Australian youth as they are often nieeve as to who they are communicating with believing that despite the fact they do not know the person, because their profile seems real the person probably is.”

  • Shot of a teen smiling and typing on their laptop. “Its easy for young people to be lured in by predators and therefore this leads to an increase in sexual assault rape and murder. This can have a seriously scarring impact on youth of today.” 

  • Shot of Facebook chat on screen again. Abby’s voice over: “Did you know that since 2009 sexual assault reports have increased from 139 to 614 and half those cases have involved youth under 16?” 

  • A teen is smiling and typing on their laptop. Voiceover: “That is a big impact that this is having on youth of today. How safe are the people you talk to? and do you really know them?” 

  • Abby is standing in a popular shopping centre. Abby: “Well I wanted to find that question out exactly so I decided to ask some random members of Australian youth.” 

  • Abby asks the question to several people “Do you know all your friends on Facebook?” and the replies are recorded. 

Second Point
  • A screen is seen and a Facebook account is shown. Someone is typing into the status. Voice over: “Another issue that is impacting the Australian youth of today is the hacking of their Facebook accounts. Yet another reason to get rid of Facebook.”

  • Shot of two teens talking over a laptop voice over: “Did you know that 30% of teens today share their password with a friend and girls are twice as likely to do this as boys.” 

  • Shot of a screen on Facebook someone is unable to get into their account. Voice over: “That means that if ever something happens between you and the person you shared the information with they have the power to destroy your reputation.”

  • Abby is sitting at her laptop. “This impacts the youth of Australia as they re often very trusting and believe no one that they shared their password with would ever do that to them. 

  • Statistics are shown onscreen of hacking reports. Voice over: But the reality is harsh and can often lead to serious distress in teens as they sit back and watch how easily their reputations can be ruined by a simple hack. Facebook accounts are hacked 600 000 times a day which means that 0.6% of all log ons to Facebook are for hacking purposes.” 

  • Shot of a phone getting messages like I cant believe you posted that!?, What are you doing on Facebook!? Voice over: “And although it is not hard to change your password usually by the time you notice the damage has already been done.”

  • Abby is walking through school lockers. “Hannah Buckley was just a young 16 year old girl who was confidant and happy with her life-“

  • Shot of Facebook onscreen which shows someone who is unable to be able to log into their account. “When she logged into Facebook one August day and found that she could not access her account. Her password was changed.”

  • Abby walks through the lockers Abby: “She found that the hacker had added hundreds of male strangers on her account and had posted many statuses and horrific things on her wall.”

  • A phone is sitting on a desktop and is being filled with text messages like “whats going on?” “Why would you send this to me?’ “Is this you?” “The hacker also sent horrible messages to her friends and family. 

  • Abby walks through the locker areas again “Hannah was afraid to leave the house after that. her former fiends abused her not believing she had been hacked and hannah became suicidal and had to be placed on suicide watch.”

  • Facebook on a screen comes into view. Someone is scrolling through it. Voice over: “It is clear to see the impact this hacking has on youth or Australia is severe, firstly they are in danger of being hacked and secondly being hacked can cause stress and feelings that could drive them towards feeling suicidal or even committing suicide.”

  • Abby walks through the lockers. Abby: “On top of this it is exceptionally easy to hack a Facebook without knowing a password. Now that is really scary.” Abby walks out of the frame. 

  • Screen of google appears on screen. Abby types into it: How to hack a Facebook. Voiceover: “And the scary thing is there are thousands of resources online that give you step by step instructions to hack a Facebook.” The hypothetical Facebook profile is re opened on the screen. Voice over: “So since I have access to this persons password All I would have to do is log out.” The mouse on Facebook clicks the log out button. Voice over: “Then enter the persons email into the log in.” The email is entered into the log in. Voiceover: “Now all I have to select is forgot password.” The mouse clicks forgot password is this your account comes up on screen. “Now select this is my account.  But since we do not have access to their emails I have to press No longer have access to these.” The mouse clicks the no longer have access to these button. The computer asks how can we reach you. “So its now asked me how Facebook can reach me. I type in my own email and it will send me a new password.” A new email is typed in. A email window is opened. It shows a link to reset the password this is followed and the password is reset. 

  • Abby is sitting down at her computer. She looks up at the Camera. Abby: “And now I have successfully hacked the account. 

  • Computer screen with a mouse scrolling through Facebook while statistics appear comes onto the screen. “Facebook is a big place and an even bigger danger if you don't protect yourself. Please try to take the correct precautions when using it so you don't end up as another number in the Australian youth who has been apart of-“

  • Facebook danger appears on the screen. Voice over: “Facebook danger.”

Sunday, 21 February 2016

Our basic outline

  • Tanays idea of talking about the Facebook (Like supersize me when the guy talks about all the fast foods and their picture fills the screen till its completely covered)—> 
  • “Five new Facebook profiles are created every second.”
  •  “There are 83 million fake profiles.” “50 percent of 18 to 24 year olds go on Facebook as soon as they wake up.”
  • And if Facebook was a country it would be the third largest in the world. “It is used for business, pleasure and fun but can something so booming and so popular have a downside? Could youth of Australia be apart of Facebook danger?”
  • On a computer screen It is demonstrated how easily it is to get info off people on Facebook how easily predators can find young people and this impact on them
  • Story of girl who was raped and murdered. 
  • Abby asks people in the general vicinity of they know all their friends on Facebook 
  • Abby then interviews her mums friend who explains about how she got hacked. 
  • Computer screen is shown and it is demonstrated how easily it can be hacked. 
  • Hannah Buckley story is told. 

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Third point

The point
  • Your Facebook can easily be hacked —> we will show this. It is hard to control what happens with your account once it is hacked and it could ruin a reputation. 

Possible consequences for todays youth

  • Lack of control over whats being posted on Facebook
  • A person who dislikes a you could post things all over your profile that could ruin your reputation
  • If you have multiple Facebook pages (Because many people get a new Facebook when they get older as their old one is full of embarrassing things they posted when they were younger) They often just leave it dormant and never check up on it. This profiles are easy to be hacked unnoticed by the original user
  • This can cause immense stress to the young individual who has been hacked as they have no control over what is being posted 
  • In a day and age where teenagers already have so much to stress about they do not need to worry about their account being hacked
  • It would cause optimal stress levels in the person. 

Resources to back up points
  • Facebook accounts are hacked 600 000 times per day
  • There are over 1 billion log ons and out of all those log ons 0.6% of those log ons are compromised
  • "Hello, 
    Somebody has hacked my facebook, changed my password and the email account, they have tampered with my profile, changed the name to one of my friends names and sent inappropriate messages to new people they have added! I'm so so angry about this, and all I have been able to do is lock the account so that they can't do anymore damage. However what i try and do now to regain it doesn't work as it's locked! WHAT DO I DO!?!?! 
    I'm stuck. 
    If anyone has answers i would be forever grateful! 
    Thank You"
  • Youth of the day have trouble with what to do when their Facebook is hacked 
  • Often the password is changed so they cannot get back into their account
  • By the time the issue is sorted the damage has usually been done

- 30% of teens that are regularly online have shared a password with a friend or someone in their life. 
- It was found that girls are almost twice as likely to share than boys

- These are real events that really happen and can have a heavy impact on the youth of Australia and today
- Hannah Buckley is a 16 year old teenager who's Facebook account was hacked by an anaonamous person. 
- The hacker broke into her account and added hundreds of male strangers
- Hannah became suicidal when her account was hacked.
- The hacker send vile messages to her friends and family 
- It made Hannah afraid to leave the house 
- She was abused on the street by former friends who thought she sent the messages.
- She tried to log onto her account in august and found the password had been changed
- She soon discovered that her Facebook had been filled with posts and statuses she had not written or shared. 
- Her mother put her on suicide watch fearing she would kill herself. 
- Hannah herself admitted she had contemplated suicide more than once

How to hack a Facebook

  • It is easy to scam young people on Facebook through ads and malware as well as young people on games thinking the expensive “coins” they buy are free


  • Young people are usually unaware of viruses in their computers slowing programs down
  • Little children can cost their parents thousands o dollars through their misunderstanding of how Facebook games and money work

Resources to back it up

  • Facebook has faced a charge of children making unauthorised purchases on their parents devices
  • Facebook Inc was forced to face a class- action lawsuit in California that is trying to force the company to refund purchases made by children unauthorised to put purchases on their parents credit cards without permission
  • The lawsuit began when one family claims that their child spent up to 1059 on a game called ninja saga
  • There are people who spend thousands of dollars on Facebook games like Farm Ville and city ville
  • Its not hard for children to do this 

- people can easily send viruses through Facebook
- This website shows how easy it is to create a virus

- Facebook viruses have been around for a while
- There are links around Facebook and some contain malicious software
- they are often harder to discern and young people can fall prey to Facebook viruses

- It is easy for trojan to circulate through Facebook messenger
- It steals account data and credentials and security firm 
- It spread through face books messenger service 
- It found a victim, pretended to be their friend with the term lol accompanied by a file waiting to be downloaded
- It looked like an image file and once downloaded malwarebytes malware intellegence manager Adam Kujawa said in an email to the inquirer 
- The Jar file executes, downloads malware and infects the system 
- Lol is nothing more than a clever hook to make the user click the file
- It is also a popular term used among the youth of today
- Also used are "Omg is this you?" or "I can't believe someone posted this?" easy click baits 

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Dangers of Facebook

  • Predators can easily access young people on Facebook through them sharing too much information


  • It is easy for these young people to be fooled by these predators
  • This could lead to an increase of sexual assault
  • An increase in rape
  • an increase in murder
  • This also leads to an unsafe environment for young people to be in if they are constantly vulnerable to predators. 

Research to back this up

- Predator Christopher James Dannevig lured 18 year old Nona Belomesoff to her death by pretending to be a Facebook friend

- She did not return from a camping trip

- Nona was a passionate animal lover

- The predator offered her a job protecting wild life

- She was found fully clothed

- The predator told he that she would be camping out at a training area but it was later discovered that no such training area existed

- Three men in their twenties were charged with the raping of a 15 year old girl. 
- They also possessed photographs of her which were naked
- One of the social media platforms she spoke to them on was Facebook

- A young man used a fake female profile to blackmail and rape a teen boy from Canberra 
- He sent a video of the incident to other Canberra members of the general

- the crime against children research centre reports that one in five kids has received unwanted sexual socialisation through the web

- Elliot Mcdermott at nineten raped three young girls after abusing Facebook to meet them 

- He was charged with two charges of rape, three sexual assaults and three counts of grooming 

- He became Facebook friends with his victims 

- he went to one victims house and raped her

- he arranged to meet the victim a second time asking her to return the head phones he left at her house 

- They later met at a subway before going to a field where he raped her 

- the second victim was attacked in 2011 she was 14 after she had complained to Mc Dermott on Facebook that she had no one to take her to the shops to buy her cigarettes and alcohol 

- he said he would help her out but expected sex in return 

- He befriended a thirteen year old victim on Facebook he arranged to meet her in the park in Irlams O'height where he engaged in sexual activity with her

- Teens do not have a high level conern to third party access on Facebook only 9% say they are very concerned

- 91% posts photos of themsleves
- 71% post their school name
- 71% post their city or town dress
- 53% post their email address
- 20% post their phone number

Media documentry

Media documentary

People are unaware of the dangers of it

Impact on youth

  • Because of Facebook unaware youth are being lured in by predators and murdered/raped/endangered
  • Online facebook scams people can get money taken off 
  • Kids can spend heaps of money on “coins” in games thinking they are free

Questions to ask people

“Hi we are doing a documentary on the impact of social media on the Australian youth, mind if we ask you a few questions"

  • Do you have Facebook
  • How often do you log on
  • Do you often click on the ads on the sides of Facebook
  • Have you ever had someone try to scam you
  • Do you know all your friends personally on face book
  • How many Facebook accounts have you made (cause they can be hacked)

Impacting things we can do
  • make a hypothetical Facebook account and hack it using steps easily given online. 

Our basic points
  • Predators can easily access young people on Facebook through them sharing too much information

  • It is easy to scam young people on Facebook through ads and malware as well as young people on games thinking the expensive “coins” they buy are free

  • Your Facebook can easily be hacked —> we will show this. It is hard to control what happens with your account once it is hacked and it could ruin a reputation. 

(Incase we don’t have enough points)

  • the pressure people feel and self esteem issues that can occur through being on Facebook. 

Documentary research

From the website

- 1.01 people log onto Facebook daily. This has a 17% increase every year
- Five new profiles are created very second
- There are 83 million fake profiles
- 50% of 18-24 year olds go on Facebook when they wake up

- If Facebook is a country it would be the third largest in the world

- Since 2009 sexual assault reports have increased from 139 to 614
- Half those cases involved people under 16
- Because so many people are on Facebook it is easy to say that criminals will log in
- Facebook ads may contain malware
- scammers are creating fake profiles

Tuesday, 9 February 2016


After a brief discussion with my group today we have decided that the social media platform we want to focus our assignment on is Facebook and we want to take a negative angle on t. This is mainly because Facebook is such a broad thing and we can talk about so many things from cyberbullying, to oversharing parents to dangers on Facebook.

Over sharing parents on social media
- Many parents live through their children on Facebook
- They feel the need to post every little achievement, every little milestone everything that happens with their kids
- They are very typical humble braggers which can get very irritating.
- One person claims that a friend posted more than 10 updates about her child's fever going up and down.
- Sometimes people can draw statuses that have nothing to do with their children back to their child

"Pointless chain: Copy and paste this if you are a proud mamma who will always put their children first and never last!!
Passive aggressive: I'm just not the kind of mother who wants to dump my kid in day care. No judgement. But each to their own.
Full aggressive: When I see my baby sweetly wave at an adult… and the adult does NOT wave back, I want to cut that adult's hand off so they would have reason to ignore my child."

Cyberbullying and danger
- Thirteen is the age Facebook says you must be however children younger than this are getting it, and are often not mature or developed mentally enough to be on this site, deal with other people on line or the repercussions of their actions. 
- Children or young teenagers often feel brave and invincible behind the screen as they cannot properly interact with the other person they are talking to and cannot see their facial expressions reactions and how their words are impacting them. This can lead to people saying things they would never say in real life because their words could cause real damage. Many teens can also add to the bullying through a simple click of a button. 
- Facebook has many fake profiles that can be predators preying on younger children or cat fishing them. This could put children in real danger as often these profiles are very convincing. They could even include photos or family pictures to try and add to the authenticity of the page. As well as this they often tell young people the things they want and need to hear in order to glean their trust. 
- Facebook estimates that between 5.5% and 11.2% of its users are actually fake. 
(they didn't make unfriended for no reason even though its a terrible movie)

As well as this on Facebook 
- It is very easy for your information (because everything you post is so easily accessible) to be shared with third parties. Think about how easily things can be screen shotted now a days. 
- Facebook ads often contain malware. Malware is a hostile dangerous and often intrusive computer software that can be installed in your computer without you being aware when you click on ads.

- Another thing that people don't realise when posting to Facebook is that despite all the privacy settings in the world your Facebook profile will never be truly private. It can always be accessed by future employers. Nothing can ever really be deleted either.

- Young people also have trouble differentiating hat is appropriate to post online and what isn't. This could lead to them finding themselves in trouble or unemployed because their employers have looked through their profiles and found them inappropriate.

- there have been found pedophiles on Facebook who have been using the site to send each other child pornography

- There is a place to report pedophiles or child predators on Facebook it is obviously not a completely uncommon occurrence.

- 100% of the time teens that are willingly communicating with social predators on platforms like Facebook have gone and met with them.

- 33% of teens are Facebook friends with people whom they have not met in person. 

Monday, 8 February 2016

Social media class discussion

positives snapchat
  • Share and view peoples daily lives
  • discover events that are happening all around the world
  • Different magazines are on snapchat and are sharing things
  • Doesn’t save messages
  • there is free messaging
  • Live Skype/video or FaceTime which can be used all ages
  • you can send videos photos and messages for free
  • you have more privacy with your friends
  • If someone does hack your account they will not find that much, they cannot retrieve any videos or photos
  • Funny effects 
  • Its entertaining 
  • Its good for promoting your business to audiences on snapchat through magazines
  • There is also recipes

Cons of snapchat
  • If snapchat ever crashed there is  opposability that all the photos ever taken could be spread all over the internet
  • Screen shooting can be saved and used as blackmail 
  • There is also snap save if people don’t want you to know that they have saved it
  • You can cyber bully really easily 
  • you can get addicted to it
  • You can only see the picture for a certain amount of time with can be a problem 
  • Some adds or magazines can give a negative message to people of certain ages. 
  • You cannot legally record someone without their permission but on snapchat this happens all the time.
  • It comes down to a question of ethics, is it right to record someone else without asking them. 


  • instant connection
  • easy social network to use
  • watch funny videos
  • educational
  • people show their daily life and people can tell what your doing if your say, overseas
  • Potential employers
  • can promote artists and companies
  • can create groups and make it easier to share large pieces of information
  • Easy to find people
  • Its free to join, easy to use and you can get free phone calls and instant message. 
  • you can get many games 
  • It is free to sign up
  • Business wise it can be very beneficial
  • Can be used to promote other businesses
  • It can be public or private
  • people can share it
  • If you have as, lost your dog this could be easily shared
  • daily reports weather etc
  • The videos give you a good awareness of whats going on in the world
  • It can give you good entertainment
  • Some videos can be educational
  • (Cooking videos)
  • To raise awareness about global issues people keel sharing posts
  • Freedom of speech
  • Quick and easy—> jump on—> status—> post

  • Easy access is sometimes a problem
  • If kids use your credit card they can spend too much money on the games
  • There can be creeps preying on children during the games
  • People living through their children with annoying updates
  • annoying game requests
  • embarrassing old stuff that you delete but will never be deleted
  • Freedom of speech is a problem as some people have seriously stupid opinions or opinions that are problems
  • People can easily stalk you on social media
  • Fake predatory Facebook account 
  • If you post photos (like partying photos) They may be great photos and it may have been a fun night but future employers may not like that. 
  • Someone could post a video that doesn’t show you in a very good light and if it goes viral you might not like that. 

social media

So today we received our documentary assignment where we have to create a documentary on social media and we have to take an angle. Is it good or is it a bad thing?

We were asked to choose three social media sites to research before we properly start out assignment. So I chose instgram, snap chat and omeagle


- According to one website Instagram has a habit of containing uses that post the same generic annoying things. The Marie Clarie website has taken it upon themselves to create a list of the most annoying ad overdone things they see n social media.

The list includes:
- The classic vacation leg shot (most definitely on a beach)
- Mediocre looking food
- Engagement rings
- Inspirational quotes
- Sleeping selfies
- almost naked selfies
- Pre post or during workout selfies
- pointless collages

I know I have seen many of these and even re created a few myself. So in this way is instagram turning people into unoriginal followers of the trend? Well I don't think so. Trend has been around for years, just look at the anti establishment movement in the 60's.

But there are some real dangers of instagram
- Many preteens who do not know the ways of the world have instgarm and larger social media platforms now a days. unfortunately these children can easily be convinced to give away information that is too personal or even dangerous to give out to strangers online.

- Information can be viewed by literally anyone (that means creeps) unless instagram settings are private

- Location can be revealed on instagram and its not hard to do without even realising.

- Its a site where your teen or preteen an become friends with someone posing as an adolescent

- A common trend on istagram is R4R or rate for rate where young girls and even boys rate each others pictures. It is damaging for other strangers to place value on each other through a silly number. Another damaging thing is TBH (to be honest) where people say something honest on someone elses profile. This is not always an encouraging thing. Even more damaging is TBR or to be rude. This is really ever encouraging and can be very damaging to young peoples self esteem.


- Omeagle is an anonamous chat site. No information about yourself is revealed unless you choose to reveal it.

- One of the main issues though in the site is if people decide to take the chat off omegle on to other social media platforms where it is no longer anonymous

- The thing is they could be talking to someone completely harmless. even someone famous, young people have been known to have their dreams come true on omega by ending up talking to there favourite celebrity, however there is a likely chance that the person they are talking to is not who the young person

- People can also give out fake information as this site is anonymous

- As well as this, this site is also a big risk for online predators


- because you have a list of friends on snapchat it sort of misleads you making you feel as if its a private sharing site but really like everything on the internet, it is public no matter what privacy settings and once its on the internet its there forever.

- Content isn't always saved but ever activity always is

- The thing is snapchat was created as a safe way to sext and as it is all not really private and there forever it really isn't.

- Teens also assume that because the snap or video last only a few seconds it os totally harmless, but it isn't. now it can be screenshot and tracked. It is permanently online.

Friday, 5 February 2016

To Sell a war

This documentary that we watched today"To sell a war" was quit different from the others we watched. It was more exponential, it had a "god like" informative voice that told the facts how they were and attempted to persuade the audience into looking at the particular situation (How a country can  manipulate a situation to make it look) and represent how it is used to start a war. It is also a somewhat observational documentary because it looks briefly at both sides of the argument, the lives of these people and the general situation without getting involved. In this way it sparks an emotional reaction in us as the audience as, when I was watching I was conflicted about how I felt, who's side I was on and the good and bad intentions behind each situation.

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Good and bad of social media

- Connections
- Advertisements
- Self promotion
- Keeping up with family

- Target adds
- Lack of human connection
- online predators
- Not interacting in person
- Children stay inside instead of playing outside

Super size me fallacies, more info, finishing it, Morgan and Alex and worst documentaries?

So today we finished watching supersize me and of course the results were as shocking as you would expect. In the one month Mc Donald's binge Morgan gained 10% of his body fat caused serious liver damage, saw all his medical results decline in health, lost his sex drive, felt depressed and experienced mood swings and found that the food was like a drug. He did however make a full recovery and get back to how he used to be. So he was therefore successful in proving that Mcdonald's is lethal. His documentary is successful. But we were asked to examine today if this is a good documentary.

The thing that has been found with this documentary is that Morgan spur docks results cannot be replicated.
- He said he at 5000 calories a day, but realise that a large big mac, which is the fattiest thing on the entire McDonalds menu only had 1450 calories. If he was sticking to his own rules he could not have eaten that much.
- The university of Linkopin in Sweden decided to do his experiment with university students. They were made to eat 6000 calories of fast food every day.
- It turned out tat at the end of it they had no liver or cholesterol troubles
- Their metabolism was able to adapt, according to science
- none had troubled moods or depression at all.
- The results were therefore somewhat exaggerated.

Class discussion and exaggeration?
- His weight was seriously exaggerated
- The fact that they were acting like by day thirty that he was dying
- We didn't see what he ate really for all those times
- He could have been doing lots of other things to effect his health
- There are so many things he can skew his results in a blood test

Morgan Spurdock?
- Before Super size me he was on an MTV reality show called I bet you will where he dared people to eat disgusting foods. (One woman shaved her head and she ate it mixed with butter)
- He also released another documentary after supersize me called where in the world is Osama bin Laden, he tries to view the argument of terrorism from both sides and tries to find Osama bin laden
- he directed the Simpsons 20th anniversary special
- he also made a 2011 documentary called the greatest movie ever sold all about product placement.

Alex Jamieson
- She began cooking professionally in Milan Italy
- She was a vegetarian chef at Paul Newmans hole in the wall gang camp cooking for children with life threatening illnesses.
- She became a vegan after battles with sugar addiction, migraines, fatigue and candidiasis
- She has a health food vegan website but announced in 2013 that she was no longer vegan
- At the time of the Super size documentary Alex was working on a vegan cook book (Sort of promotion)
- She used Morgans detox diet to release a detox ebook.

Top 5 worst documentaries?
room 237
kony 2012
white people
the creators 2015
Hot girls wanted

More info on other fallacy documentary
Bowling for columbine
- The guy first walks into a bank and opens an account and for doing this he gets a free shot gun
- In real life its not that easy, it happens but its not that easy.
- You cannot force a person to do something in a documentary but you can edit it carefully

Nanook of the North
- About an eskimo called Nanook
- Typically they would wear furs, live in igloos and would fish, hunt and spear for food.
- We think that because of this documentary
- They made it about Nanook of the north and his two wives but they were not his wives they were the directors.
- Eskimos actually live in houses

Super size me is on this list

Frozen planet by David Atonbra it was actually filmed in an alaskan zoo.

An inconvenient truth
- An Algore documentary

The greater good
- About detrimental effects of vaccination
- Made by anti vaccers

The great global warming swindle
- Basically saying that global warming does not exist

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Watching more supersize me

In the Documentary super size me I have noticed a few things that we were asked to reflect upon today.

The first thing is: How has the director portrayed the companies?

As in Mc Donalds. It is portrayed solely as this booming greedy, money hungry almost demonic and creepy organisation that feeds off the stupidity of society. The big company managers are often depicted as caricatures of the greedy businessman. We don't hear from them in person but only hear descriptions about them. It is portrayed as an industry that feeds off the naivety of young children and has the guarantee that they will be back to eat there all their lives associating good feelings, colour and tasty, yet unhealthy food with it. It is also portrayed as a company that despite it being a "family restaurant" it doesn't care in the slightest. Its nutrition information is hidden away or not properly displayed and it lacks empathy for the health state of the visitors.

How has the director portrayed the general population?

The director has only shown a very small portion of the general population. And all of the people interviewed or filmed are very overweight and understand or know little about health or calories or the detrimental nature of the fast food industry. Because of this the general population looks pretty fat and stupid.

I think they are exaggerating some things.

I truly don't believe that all schools in America are sold such terribly unhealthy food as is shown through this documentary. Most of the population is also shown as Obese. I do  believe there are lots of obese people in America but when I went to New York two years ago I hardly saw any Obese people. If Im honest I saw just as many as in Australia. Most people who work at Mc Donald's, in the documentary are overweight, however this is exaggerated I honestly donates too many fat people working at Mc Donald's. My friend actually works there and she is quite fit and healthy. I also believe many people would know about Calories. But it is just the people who do not know about Calories that are put in the documentary. In the moment I felt that it wasn't an exaggeration and i felt horrified by what I was watching but looking back on it now I realise that they are trying to position you to feel a certain way in this documentary and for this reason they wouldn't show anyone who knew a thing about health or nutrition.