Thursday, 29 October 2015
We are getting very close to the end of filming with only 36 shots left to film. That is two scenes and some joining shots mostly from the montage in scene 4. Its getting pretty close to the end which is good. Yesterday we only had time to film two shots, but they were very important. They involved coordinate passing in Spin straw inc which is very important as the coordinates are the places that Charlie and Anna meet and it is essential to the story. It was good to get them done
Shots we still need to complete
Shot duration:
Shot Description: i.e. Shot type, angle, camera movement, Scene # |
Notes: Include any relevant notes i.e. lighting, description of action. Additional notes should be added as each shot is gathered. |
2 seconds
Straight on angle |
Lighting Shadowy lighting Charlie’s Old sprite pulls up in a dark and dingy street. Voice over of Charlie: “0240 hours. Wednesday morning…” |
2 seconds | High angle |
Lighting Shadowy lighting Charlie is writing on notepad Voice over: “July 16th, 1958.” |
5 seconds | High angle |
Lighting Shadowy lighting Charlie puts notepad in her briefcase and gets out of the car. Voice over: “Potential criminal suspect has made their way to Grim Lane.” |
5 seconds
Straight on angle |
Lighting Dark lighting Charlie is against a wall listening to a conversation the camera pans away from Charlie around a corner to where two men are having a conversation. |
2 seconds
Straight on angle |
Lighting Dark lighting Two men are having a conversation. It is a worker at an illegal money making factory and a hit man. The worker goes by the name of Carl. |
6 seconds
Straight on angle |
Lighting Dark lighting Carl talks closely to the other. Carl: “Max Patterson. 30 years old. Some say that he almost found our spot,” |
3 seconds
Long shot |
Lighting Dark lighting. Carl: “So we’re suspicious. Just kill him.” Carl walks down an alley way, the other walks away. |
2 seconds
Close up |
Lighting Dark lighting. Charlie watches Carl go and follows him. |
2 seconds
Extreme close up |
Lighting Dark shadowy lighting Low exposure A door knob turns and Carl enters into a room. Charlie holds the door after him and walks in. |
2 seconds
Long shot |
Lighting Dark shadowy lighting Low exposure. Charlie follows Carl up the stairs |
2 seconds
Long shot |
Lighting Dark shadowy lighting Low exposure. Charlie follows Carl up a final set of stairs. |
3 seconds
Long shot |
Lighting Bright shadowy lighting Low exposure A printing company comes into view. You see the Carl walk in followed by Charlie. Carl takes his seat. |
1 second
Close up |
Action Anna turns towards Charlie noticing she is not doing anything and slams her hand down on her desk. Bright shadowy lighting Low exposure |
2 seconds
Close up |
Action Anna smiles down at Charlie, then looks stern. Anna says: “Get back to work” Bright shadowy lighting Low exposure |
2 seconds | Straight on |
Lighting Bright Shadowy lighting Anna, In Charlie’s house watches her get home through her window. She closes the blinds |
4 seconds | Straight on |
Lighting Shadowy lighting The door is half open and Charlie goes to open the door slowly |
1 second | Straight on |
Lighting Shadowy lighting Charlie’s hand pushes open the door |
5 seconds | Straight on |
Lighting Bright light (Shadowy) Charlie walks in light comes on Anna is revealed to be standing at Charlie’s pool table, about to take a shot. |
2 seconds | Straight on |
Lighting Bright light (Shadowy) Charlie looks confused as to why Anna is there |
2 seconds | Straight on |
Lighting Bright light (Shadowy) Anna smirks at Charlie. |
2 seconds | Straight on |
Lighting Bright light (Shadowy) Charlie holds a gun behind his back. |
3 seconds | (From Annas perspective) |
Lighting Bright light (Shadowy) Charlie walks towards Anna who is standing at pool table. |
4 seconds | Straight on |
Lighting Bright light (Shadowy) Anna hits pool balls. Anna says: “Took you long enough” |
4 seconds | Mid shot |
Lighting Bright light (Shadowy) Charlie walks to the pool sticks, picks one up and returns to the table. |
10 seconds | Close up |
Lighting Bright light (Shadowy) Anna slides a cop badge across the table. Camera pans up to her face. Anna: ““I want you to do something. You are good at what you do. Let’s see how good you really are. I’ve been in this business long enough, I live for control over it. You are going to find out everything you can about Veronica.” |
2 seconds | Mid shot |
Action Anna smiles. Anna: “So, tell me Officer; what do you say? You know Veronica wouldn’t like the fact that you have… authoritative connections?” Camera pans down to her hands she hits the ball. Bright lights shadowy |
4 seconds | Close up |
Action Charlie pours two drinks Bright lights shadowy |
4 seconds | Close up |
Lighting Bright lights shadowy Charlie hands Anna a drink and clinks her glass reluctantly. |
4 seconds | Mid shot |
Action Anna knocks another ball into a hole in one Bright lights shadowy |
Action A piece of paper with coordinates are shown being placed on Charlie’s desk Bright lights shadowy |
2 seconds | close up |
Action Charlie write information about Anna in a notepad. Bright lights shadowy |
4 seconds | Close up |
Action Anna smiles at a ring puts a note with a name and address into an envelope. The camera pans up to her face after she has does this. She is smiling. This is a pitmans next hit. Bright lights shadowy |
3 seconds | Mid shot |
Action Anna walks up to a hit man (Hit man 1) in the office who is holding a gun. She hands him the envelope and says “I will deliver the ring it will make him a easier target to identify. I suspect Jonah Patterson knows too much about our business.” Bright shadowy lighting |
3 seconds | Mid shot |
Action Charlie is sitting in her house. From Behind Charlie’s head she is looking at a police badge and a notebook against stacks of money Bright shadowy lighting |
1 second | Close up |
Action Charlie puts her head in his hands frustrated Bright shadowy lighting |
4 seconds | Mid shot |
Action Charlie is writing in her notebook. Then decides she will rip it up. Bright shadowy lighting |
2 seconds | Straight on angle |
Action Charlie looks down at his desk noticing a ring on the table. Bright shadowy lighting |
1 second | High angle |
Action Charlie picks up the ring Bright shadowy lighting |
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