Tuesday, 8 September 2015

The big story in case the table wasn't clear

Charlie was a private investigator suspicious of the behaviour of a group of people as he notices they are paying hit men. After investigating them for a while he follows a man down a dark alleyway who is paying a hit man. Charlie follows the man as he drives away to a secret underground factory. Walking inside the factory Charlie is mistaken for a worker and seated at a desk. Charlie soon discovers that this is an illegal business that makes paper into illegal money. The business is also paying hit men to take out anyone suspicious of the business. Charlie soon meets Anna, the beautiful intelligent manager of the business who is suspicious of him immediately, telling him to get to work but eyeing him. She doesn't trust him. Anna sends out many hit men onto people who she fells might know about the company, as it is part of her job. Before a hit is completed Anna has the job of sending out "the hit ring" a ring that marks the person the hit men must hit so they know who to look for. The ring is always retrieved before the next hitSoon charlie meets Veronica. The beautiful dictator of the business she runs everything. Anna watches Charlie while he works knowing there is much more to him than meets the eye. Charlie after working a shift in the factory records what he has seen into a tape recorder not quite believing how much information he has got on the case. He is thrilled at the though of being able to expose the company and shut it down for good. He drives back to his house and notices his door is open, walking inside he discovers Anna sitting in his living room holding a martini and looking perfectly relaxed. He is shocked by this but remains cool hiding his briefcase subtly which contains all the documents about their business he has been investigating. Anna is smart and cunning and has a plan of her own. She seductively attempts to emotionally manipulate Charlie into helping her find information on Veronica. Anna wants to be in charge of the company and she needs some blackmail on Veronica in order for her to back down quietly and surrender the company to Anna. Charlie will not be swayed by Annas feminine charms. Anna then slides his detective badge across the floor letting him knows subtly that she knows he is a private investigator, not jus any old worker. This puts Charlie in danger as he knows how easily hit men are hired for this company. It hits Charlie's feet and he picks it up trying to hide his shock at the fact Anna has discovered his identity. Charlie now knows he is in danger. Anna knows he doesn't really work for the company and if he doesn't help her to become head of the company he knows he is facing the threat of assassination as Anna could easily send a hit man after him. It would be easy. Reluctantly he agrees to find information on Veronica. The two meet in secret many times investigating Veronica's office and passing any information they find to each other. Charlie works in the business comittedly and full time, knowing that the alternative is death. Charlie and Anna often meet in secret giving each other a meeting destination though only coordinates and a note to "come alone." to discuss Veronica and start to become very close. Charlie, despite not investigating anymore, still records his experience into his tape recorder.  Meanwhile Veronica is getting suspicious of the two. She begins to find evidence about what they are doing, all their notes and information. Being very clever she pieces together what Charlie and Anna have been doing. She sends a note with a set of coordinates on it and a note underneath that says "Come alone". Both Anna and Charlie don't realise the note has been sent by Veronica and think they have both sent it to each other. Anna and Charlie emerge out of the shadows after arriving in the location. Anna immediately notices that Charlie is wearing the hit ring. Shocked she asks him where he got it from before a gun is fired and Charlie is shot. Charlie falls to the ground while Veronica emerges from the darkness. Anna immediately breaks down as her and Charlie have become close but she is pulled away from Charlie by Veronica who places her hand over her mouth to stop her screaming and causing a scene. The film ends here leaving the audience questioning what is going to happen to Anna.

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