Tuesday, 1 September 2015


  • is a phoney. pretends to know something that the King doesn’t and he uses her in advantage of that
  • it actually a detective
  • could pretend she has “the Kings” money

  • a criminal

An anonymous person was supposed to meet with The Criminal in a secret town spot. Anna happened to be walking around late at night (or she could be a cop) and follows the anonymous person, suspiciously. The criminal mistakens anna for the person he is meeting with and talks to anna as if she was the person that he was expecting. Anna cannot see his face in the dim.

*2 body guards grab anna from around the corner* 
The Criminal says, with his back to her “I’m here, you idiot. You’re 28 minutes late. What did I tell you about being prompt. We could get caught here.”
Anna is speechless unknowing what is happening, so she goes along with it, knowing that she has gotten herself into trouble

The Criminal reminds her that she is yet again late in giving her payment

The Criminal locks her up in their own ‘jail’ and another person in another jail cell (rumpelstiltskin) is the person that helps her from across the hall being unseen and telling her how to survive and what to say to the criminal

New idea:

Film Noir Character Type
Other Details
Femme Fatale
Successful Money Forger
Uses her femininity a lot to get out of trouble and persuade people
Corrupt Official
Money Forgery Overlord
Controlling and always keeping on top of things and always wanting more money (could be always suspicious and on-the-edge about people discovering his forging?) 
Double agent cop (21 Jump Street) 
Gets involved in the forging to gather info 
Anna’s father
Family (ps i think it’d be cool if he got killed at some point so as anna has some reasoning but idk)
Anna’s father and accidental snitch
Likes to get drunk in the bar
  • There is a secret business of money forgery 
  • (KING) is the ‘Corrupt Official’ that is the overlord of this business and (ANNA) works for him along with very few others
  • They are so rich that they pay assassins to kill anyone who may be suspicious of being in knowledge of their secret business
  • (ANNA)s father likes to get drunk because (some tragic backstory that bella can easily come up with)
  • A detective goes to a bar after a longs hard day’s work
  • One day (ANNA)s father gets too drunk in the same bar and spills the beans about (KING)’s business “they makes money and don’t need to do anything but press a print button.” 
  • He was telling this to his drunk friends so they wouldn’t have remembered that (ANNA)s father was telling them that “if you wanna make some more cash come to *address* on *day of week*”
  • The detective overhears this in the bar and decides to investigate
  • The detective becomes close to (ANNA) to trick her into letting her join the money-forgery
  • (ANNA) has a contemplating look in her eyes as she doesn’t know whether to assassinate the detective or not bc she knows about the company, but then decides that she can be in on it
  • When the detective is in, we see a lot of the relationship between (KING) and the workers
  • (ANNA) then somehow finds out that the detective is actually a detective and kills the detective

*quick idea for ending* - The detective gives (ANNA) a jacket to wear while working because she was cold and (ANNA) feels something in the pocket and we don’t see what it is yet. Later, (ANNA) goes and speaks to the detective and they say something along the lines of:

ANNA: (suspicious of detective) You’re happy to be making all this money, right?
DETECTIVE: (nods) It’s pretty convenient
ANNA: Pretty convenient? It’s damn right convenient, this is how we are able to live our lives … Just out of curiosity; have you told anyone about us?
DETECTIVE: (frowns and shakes head) Of course not…
ANNA: (using her femme fatale attitude) You do know what would happen if the word got out, wouldn’t you?
ANNA: We pay assassins to take out any person that could be suspicious of being in knowledge of our little money making business down here.
ANNA: Well you should’ve drilled that into you head before you got yourself in this mess (or some sassy line before she kills him)

Straight after she says this, Anna then has someone else kill the Detective right in front of her. She chucks a ‘cop badge’ on top of the dead detectives body which is what she found in the jacket earlier.

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