Friday, 14 October 2016

Time to talk about the Blurred lines music video

- Its pretty damn obvious why this video is controversial
- it features three men singing a song about "blurred lines" between conceptual sex and rape
- They sing about the idea that it is okay to rape a girl if she seems to "want the sex" but is still saying no. umm no. I have so many problems with this song
- The thing about this video is the girls are almost completely naked (and I think in one version they are completely naked) while the men are fully clothed and the girls are literally dancing around the men while they admire them. they are not people they are objects of sex.
- This music video and song is literally cancer to our society. (can I say that on my FTV blog?)
- Heres the thing though. Its fine that those girls chose to do the video. if they were fine with it great! more power to them, if they feel comfortable showing their bodies great! no problems there. The problem lies in the message of the video and the fact that they are endorsing the message by being in the video.

Why are these people trying to be controversial?
- The track shows women prancing around in nothing but thongs while the fully dressed singers whisper I know you want it in their ears

How much control do they have over the video
- thicke had a lot of control over the video claiming "we tried to do everything that was taboo bestiality, drug injections, everything that was derogitory towards women."
- He then went on to say "What a pleasure it is to degrade a woman. I've never gotten to do that before. Ive always respected women. " Well bloody good on you robin.
- he also claimed that cause he was married with children and settled in his personal life he was the perfect guy to make this. NO IT SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN MADE AT ALL

Who directed the video
- Diane Martel directed it and came up with the idea of using nude models
- She isn't super controversial and it would seem that most of the control and Ideas came from the artists themselves she just went okay cool.

Who liked it
- Im sure some people did

what did they say about the controversy
- Pharrell williams said the line "I know you want it wasn't meant to be sexually suggestive but rather suggest that even good girls have bad thoughts." Right...

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