Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Sleeping beauty

This term in media we are exploring gender stereotypes in fairy tales and we started off this great exploration by watching a Disney classic: Beauty and the Beast.

One thing that I have to say about Disney is that I really don't like it. *Holds up bullet proof shield* The thing is people get really touchy and sensitive about Disney. They say stuff like: Don't diss Disney! It's my childhood blah blah blah, but honestly I think it is really cliche. Especially in the old Disney films! Seriously! These Princesses hardly talk. We watched the start of sleeping beauty today. (This is the first time I've ever seen it) and I have to say princess Aurora seems pretty useless. Yeah she's really pretty but she doesn't seem to have much personality. I am however exceptionally jealous of her hair. Right now its just confirming my beliefs that Disney is Cliche. We will see how it goes.

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