Thursday, 30 July 2015


People who take the most selfies:

- I think there is a definite relation to the amount of selfies people take and their self esteem.
- It seems to me that people that have higher self esteem post less selfies than people with low elf esteem.
- This is a huge generalisation as I know a few people, who post lots of selfies, who have very high self esteem but it seems to me that many people who are insecure post selfies for validation from others.
- Regular people who often took selfies were asked by a psychological study if they felt confidant and a shocking 60% of then claims to have low self esteem. (

The effects of selfies and why people with low self esteem post
- It is common today when someone posts a selfie that their comments section is full of messages from their friends and peers telling them how beautiful and perfect their are.
- Or today telling them they are "goals af" "on point" or "on fleek" etc.
- This is harmful for those with low self esteem as it can give them a temporary high on their self esteem but make them reliant on having that validation from their peers
- It is also damaging as people do not always comment (often because of laziness) so when the comments don't flood through the person with low self esteem may question what is wrong with them. This will damage their self esteem further.

other reasons for selfies
- Some people actually take selfies for positive reasons.
- They may feel they look particularly good that day and want to share it, not for the likes and comments but purely because they feel confident enough to do so.
- If some friends are hanging out they may take a selfie to remember the moment in a few years or a few months if it is a particularly fun moment, I know me and my friends do this at parties and before when we re getting ready.
- selfies are not always bad! They can sometimes be a fun and cute thing.

Miss representation

1. “You can’t be what you can’t see.” What does this quote suggest about how representations of powerful women are, largely, absent from the mass media?
- This quote suggests that if the only forms of women we see in mass media are the unrealistic stereotypes then young girls have no one to look up to, aspire to be like, or attain habits from but them. 

- Women can only be as they are as an object, not the strong capable people we are inside.
2. What does Miss Representation suggest about the way women are represented in the media?
- It suggests women are represented often as weak, incapable, stupid, 'blonde bimbo barbies', they need a man, they are objects of desire, objects of sexual attraction, eye candy. It is not an accurate representation of women at all. 

- The media representation of women is flawless, they often have unnaturally perfect bodies and a flawless general appearance. 
3. What is a stereotype? Which gender stereotypes are being repeated again and again in the media?
A stereotype is taking certain characteristics that one believes to be funny or common and exaggerating it. It is when a person is placed in a 'box' or a 'category' but it is not always accurate. 
- The idea of the sexy object of desire, a women clearly to just entertain the men, and be objectified. 
- The idea of the dumb incapable women who is often very pretty and has a hard time getting stuff done by themselves. They are often co dependant and need a man to help them. (often a blond woman who is ditzy with a smoking hot body)

- Women need to be what a man desires, they don't necessarily need to be a certain look but they have to be what a man wants. 
- The woman who just wants to find love and is struggling with her love life, but eventually does and is extremely happy.
- The cold 'bitch boss' who has forsaken a man, and a family for a successful career. This character is often an angry slave driver. 

- If the media projects women in a certain light then every girl will feel the need to be that way and look that way. 
4. In terms of representation of women, what is the problem with mainstream Hollywood films?
- Men often go and watch films about other men and women often go and watch films about other men, but they also watch 'chick flicks' which often depict full on stereotypes of women. These stereotypes are often exceptionally misrepresented. 

- They often don't represent different body types in shows the characters are usually slim and pretty, while men can be fat and unattractive and people still watch them. 

- In a non mainstream film, or an indépendant film women are often portrayed quite differently. 
5. What sort of stereotypes are used to represent female leaders?
- Female leaders are often depicted in two ways. They are depicted as cold bitches or cows or nasty and annoying or frustrating, emotional and whiny. 
- They can also be represented as beautiful, pretty, objects of desire or attraction. 
- Despite how people see them they are always criticised for how they look. Their hair, their makeup, their fashion choice are all criticised by the general public. 

- When a woman is in power she is "bossy" But when a man is in power he is assertive. 

- When Sarah Palin was in Parliament she was portrayed as this object of desire, a feminine woman, who had a family. She was called 'hot' and 'sexy' and disrespected by the media. 

- When Julia Gillard was in power she was disrespected and called a bitch and awful. It was a big deal when she fell over (while it wouldn't be for a man) And she was thought of as stupid although she was very intelligent. 
6. What does Caroline Heldman argue about representations of women like Lara Croft which, on the surface, may appear empowering?
- She argues that although on the surface they seem to be powerful, capable and strong they are often dressed in very sexy attire that would not commonly be used for fighting. Again they are objectified.
7. What, according to Gloria Steinem, is the side effect of representations created in a patriarchal system?
- The side effects from males, from a young age, watching violence happen in TV shows and video games is that it will normalise the abuse of women and make them think its fine. There have been studies to prove that this exists yet nothing has been done to stop it. 
8. During prime time television, what age group do the majority of female characters belong to?
9. What does Jennifer Pozner claim about the representation of women on reality television?
- Women on reality television are often the afore mentioned stereotypes and because of the growing popularity of reality television this is a problem for young and impressionable viewers. 

- They are quite over dramatic, they get angry or 'bitchy' with each other and are very irrational. 

- When a woman has a melt down on reality television they are portrayed as dramatic and annoyed. If a woman has a melt down rather than a man then the woman would be on the advertisement. 
- Women on reality television are especially sometimes, spoiled, bratty and nasty and this is a terrible portrayal of women. 
10. Explain how the following factors may influence the representation of gender in the mass media:  cultural attitudes, media ownership, advertising, media regulation.

Cultural attitudes:
- This depends on the cultures beliefs. If the culture believes in a more traditional (old) place of women then women may be predicted in TV shows as being 'seen and not heard' 'in the kitchen' and housewives. 

- If a culture is more modern and want to uplift and empower women then we could be seeing a change with strong females who are independent and strong. Hopefully this can happen soon.

Media ownership:
- As much of the mass media is owned by men this could seriously effect what we are watching, we could watch shows with the same old female stereotypes. This will seriously misrepresent women on TV. But if there are men who decide that this is not okay then we could have a change and also se stronger women and less emotionally inapt men.

Even better if more women owned more media then they could represent themselves in the characters truly, as strong, independent and smart. 

- Right now in advertisement women are often being objectified and put in place as objects of desire. They are also often being depicted on ads as the afore mentioned stereotypes. However it is much more likely for women to get angry and frustrated about the unfair representations of themselves than men.

- For some reason when men are objectified and used as objects of desire everyone seems to think it is okay, its just a 'cheeky ad'. Often in ads you will see the strong macho man, who takes his shirt off and is strong and brave, but no one can focus on the fact he is string and brave because they are too busy staring at his abs.

- Maybe this is we are much more conditioned to seeing a man with his shirt off rather than a women but I find it strange how one is okay and the other is objectification. 

- Men are often despited in other stereotypes, being the incapable husband who's wife wears the pants, being a macho bloke, who drinks beer and watches the game, or being a fat lazy slob. All of these I think are unfair stereotypes of men who are often so much more than just this. 

Media regulation: 
- If the media was regulated more carefully then we would be able to weed out these unfair stereotypes of both men and women. Unfortunately this is not what is happening right now and the stereotypes are often more 'popular' and 'prevalent' than ever in todays society. Therefore men and women are being misrepresented. 

Monday, 27 July 2015


- Data from a recent Always confident and Puberty Survey shows that 72% of girls feel held back by society which dictates what they can and can't do.
- The leader in global feminine care has announced the launch of its most recent documentary called "Always #likeagirl Unstoppable
- The documentary highlights societies impacts and expectations and how it makes a dent on a young girls confidence.
- Many girls of different ages and ethnicity were told asked if they have ever been told they shouldn't do something because they were a girl.
- The documentary empowers girls and kicks stupid stereotypes.

Read more:®-LikeAGirl-Unstoppable-Video-Reveals-Societal-Expectations#.VbXfyUK2yRt

Gender based clothes coming to an end

- Jayer Iyah, a 41 year old mother of Swaha is turning the tables on gender based children clothing.
- Her daughter Swaha was obsessed with space and fascinated with Saturns rings.
- She had a spaced themed third birthday party but her mother couldn't find any clothes with space themed images on them in the girls section. They were only in the boys section.
- Jayer Iyah has a fashion doctorate and started her own business selling gender neutral clothes
- One Tshirt features a stegosaurus with its spines covered in pink polka dots
- She is not looking to replace current children fashion but just trying to make it okay if boys want to wear pink and purple or girls want to wear blue with dinosaurs or planets. In this way they will provide children with more options.
- She feels that as children grow up designating items as male and female may confuse and frustrate children.
- Since many female clothes are restricting they may also double as restraints pushing girls away from physical activities.
- Kids need to be able to play because their play habits effect their growth and development.

Ellen Degenerous

Before the "Ellen" Talk show Ellen was on a sitcom entitled "Ellen" IN which she plays a 30 year old book shop owner called Ellen Morgan. The show featured Ellen, her family on the show and her crazy friends.

Ellen came out both in real life and on screen as her character in "The puppy episode". This caused a lot of controversy in real life causing a "parental advisory" be placed at the beginning of each episode. (It was like being gay was something "inappropriate" back then.) She wanted to free herself at the time from shame and hiding.

There was much celebration in the Lesbian and Gay community regarding Ellens "coming out" Ellen was hurt by some peoples reactions of her coming out and claims to have "sat in my house as long as I could until I ran out of money. Then I started over again" 

Coming out held Ellen back for a while and the reaction caused her to suffer from depression. She was depressed for approximately three years. She was fired from her TV show and no one would hire her for three years. In this time Ellen received many letters from teenagers who had stopped themselves from committing suicide after watching Ellen come out. Ellen was then offered to do a talk show. This was another challenge as many channels refused to air it. But the show did air on September the 8th in 2003. 

Saturday, 25 July 2015

Today in media we talked more about women and mens statistics in films and television shows. By This I mean the statistics of having a gender balanced cast, the amount of women wearing more sexual clothes etc... The statistics are really quite eye opening.

- This shows that women 'should be seen and not heard'

- In modern family Gloria is so fit and beautiful and Jay is overweight and old.
- People would accuse Gloria and call her in that relationship as a stereotype "Gold digger" but no one would say Jay was a "creepy old man"

- At the start of modern family Claire and Gloria are fighting about Gloria being a gold digger and being beautiful and young and marrying her dad. 

- Joe's character is a dumb actor, he is a playaaaa, his catch phrase was "how you doing?" 
- Monique she was a chef who was fat

- Ross was a steretypical nerd who was obsessed with dinosaurs. 

- Rachel: In the beginning she was dumb rich and spoilt and then learned how to get a job. Her best job was working at Ralph Lauren

- Chandler was awkward and no one knew what his job was because his job was always changing

- Women are easier to sexualise.
- The percentage of men wearing sexy attire is smaller they seem to be able to get away with it more.

- Why do you need a male narrator? Because they know everything?
- They are strong and easy to listen to
- More authoritive

- This isn't good as you grow up with a false representation of men and women and with the idea of women being inferior/or not as relevant as men

- When the women are in these they often just need to get rescued.

- Men are often shown to be more dominant and superior. 

All these statistics tell us
- Women are insignificant compared to men
- They do not know as much
- They are dumb
- They are spoiled
- They are easier to sexualise (and are objects for men)
- They are less relevant 

See more at

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

men in the media

Today we discussed some stereotypes that often effect men in media today and we talked and worked out how men are misrepresented in certain commercials, films and advertisements.

The old spice ad

  • he is basically saying I am what you want to be but you’re never going to be me so just have this old spice body wash and you can be something like me. 
  • Its telling men that they need to step up their game 
  • The guy is strong buff tuff, he has abs, he is tan
  • He is saying that men need to be adventurous 
  • He walks on water which states that if he uses old spice he can be godly 
  • he states he built the kitchen with his bare hands stating than men need to be able to build things.
  • He lands in a spa which is a symbol for wealth and relaxation
  • The spa breaks an he is on a motorcycle 
  • It is not a realistic expectation of men and this is a totally stereotyped man 
  • It mis represents every male ever

  • The solo guy
    • No one can do that except (possibly) a very minimal number of men
    • Hardly any men look as good as this guy he is setting unrealistic representations in the media
    • If you drink solo it will make you strong and powerful like this guy
    • Males need to be adventurous and strong and able to defend themselves and survive in the jungle 

    The diet coke guy
    • If you drink diet coke you will look like that gardener because it has zero sugar and calories
    • Men are supposed to be adored by woman
    • The male is usually in control of the situation
    • The ‘sex symbol’ athletic strong tan six pack image of the guy misrepresents men
    • The man was objectified
    • What happens in this ad is okay for men but not for women

    Lynx Angels
    • The guy is attractive but not supposed to look like a supermodel, he does not have a fancy apartment and doesn’t have a six pack but the fact he is using lynx body spray represents, because of the angel that fall from the sky who are beautiful, that he can get any woman he wants by using lynx body spray. 
    • The idea of the average guy relates and connects to the majority. 
    • Men are supposed to always be looking for a woman.

    Calvin Klein ad

    (look at him though)
    • He looks chiseled and has an amazing jawline he is a little hairy which shows masculinity. He is in a light that shows off his AMAZING abs and he looks sweaty which makes you think he has been doing some kind of physical activity. This is misrepresenting men as they don’t all look like this. 

    Azzaro men's fragrance

  • The man in this has a perfect face and perfect jawline. AS Libby would say “he is an exquisite specimen.” 
  • The problem is only the smallest percentage of men actually look like this so he is seriously mis representing men
  • The woman holding onto him is meant to say that women will want you if you wear this fragrance. 

  • Omega watches

    • The guy from the James bond movies is in this ad and he looks seriously attractive and sophisticated.
    • Basically this ad is saying this watch is a symbol of sophistication and success and if you have it you will be both these things. 


    • The men in these seem solely concerned with the well being of the completely useless heroine Bella Swan. In the film this is all the two male protagonists are concerned with.
    • This seriously mis represents men as they don’t often float through life trying to only focus on controlling and taking care of ‘their girl’
    • As well as this the two characters are very very attractive and not exactly an accurate representation of the entire male population in either looks or behaviour
    • (side note most of the male population are not werewolf nor do they sparkle.)

    The overall representation of men in all of these advertisements are definitely not realistic as men are often not as attractive, not as showy or attentive or as seductive or over protective as the men in all of these different mediums of media therefore men have been severely misrepresented or over sexualised and it is often overlooked in a way that over sexualisation of women is not. 

    I feel that men and boys may feel inadequate to these perfect media images in the same way that women do They may feel that they are not buff, strong, tall tan or attractive enough or feel that they are not enough for the person they are with and should be more mach, more strong and more attentive. But really the media just misrepresents men. 

    Today in class

    Today in class we had a great chat about the stereotypes surrounding women and used to often define women and degrade them in popular culture and everyday life. It would be ideal to abolish stereotypes as women are different and unique and while some may have some of the qualities on the stereotype list it does not define them.

    Woman stereotypes
    Attractive -- wears makeup -- Skinny--Elegant

    Being a bitch-- emotional fighting-- Relationships by women are not driven by logic they ae driven by emotion


    Stereotypically women need a man

    weak- physically--Bad at sports (play like a girl)

    Emotional-- Cries a lot-- "She's just hormonal"-- mood swings 

    Stupid --dumb and airy-- Twirl their hair-- Incapable--Co dependant -- useless-- Can't drive-- can't read a map-- careless-- they get emotionally attached

    High pitched voice

    obsessed with material things (materialistic --- Only cares about clothes and shoes and high fashion-- break a nail--loves money

    Monday, 20 July 2015

    Gender in media

    How are these objects in media portraying females?
    • There is a really well known name “Carl Largafeild” and there is a fancy bottle 
    • The photo seems to say if you drink coke light then you will be beautiful and thin like the model and the boy is staring at her as if this is saying boys will look at you
    • The colours of pink and white white is a symbol for innocence and pink is a symbol for femininity 

    Dior advertisement

    • The girl in this add looks very ‘sexy’ and ‘sultry’ it is as if she is the hypnotic poison
    • She is in a seductive pose
    • Saying women must look curvy like the girl

    Cup A soup

    • The girl in this add is pretty for an office worker
    • She looks dumb she has got a blank gaze and is twirling her hair and doesn't realise there is a fire next to her
    • She is the stereotypical dumb receptionist
    • She is only worth working in the office
    • She was stupid
    • she is only in the office cause she's a pretty face and the eye candy for the guys
    • She cant even make a Cup A soup which a man hands her

    - It seems like Bella always needs someone and can't be alone
    - She is always hugging or holding on to someone whether that be Edward, her mum, her dad etc
    - She is very co dependant.
    - She is a bit pathetic she needs someone to look after her.
    - She isn't very strong or independent
    - She is very fearful all the time.

    - I don't think this is a negative depiction of Paris Hilton, she looks quite nice and well put together.
    - I think her outfit is probably a little over the top but thats just em Im sure its very high fashion. 
    - I guess the fact that she looks very well put together conveys the message that women have to look all put together at all times even when being mobbed by the paparazzi. 

    - This is a very negative depiction of Lindsey Lohan
    - She looks emotionally unstable, exhausted and upset.
    - She looks a bit like she is throwing a tantrum or going through some sort of drama
    - She looks spoiled and looks to be over reacting.
    - This is probably not the case at all but its how she has been depicted.

    - This is not a great depiction of women, n some ways and in others it is. 
    - The photographer has got a pretty unflattering first angles shot of Miley in the outfit which makes her look very unfashionable, and the face she is pulling isn't a nice face.
    - It is a nice photo (the second one) As she seems to be emotionally stable she seems to be happy and content and talking to someone who is making her smile.
    - This photo may have been taken to start rumours that she has a new boyfriend or something though because of the way she is talking on the phone and smiling. Its best not to start those rumours as it is really her business and her business only but, when you are in the public eye this can happen. 

    - This is a photo that depicts women in a positive light. 
    - the camera is a good angle and the lighting is flattering, she looks extremely confident and beautiful in her dress and she looks strong and happy. 
    - She also doesn't look exceptionally airbrushed and quite realistic which is very good.

    - Women are depicted well in this image as well as they all look strong beautiful and confident and they are not being objectified, or (as far as this picture shows) disrespected so I think it shows these women in a very positive light. 

    - This is an interesting representation of women. 
    - Some people in class said it was a negative representation as she is a high fashion model and only a small percent of the population look like her.
    - They said that if this was published in a magazine it could make girls feel bad that they don't look like this. 
    - But I think this image doesn't look manipulated or photoshopped too much.
    - I think is she looks like this good for her and we should be tearing her down saying she is a bad representation of women just because she is slim and attractive. 
    - I do not think she is being over sexualised either, yes her dress is short but it is covering what it needs to over quite well she isn't exposing huge amounts of cleavage and frankly she looks exceptionally strong and confidant. 

    - I think that the woman in this image look strong confident and are at a healthy weight. This is a great representation of women in society. 

    Thursday, 16 July 2015

    Snow white questions

    1. After reading the story, make a list of all the qualities that the story is suggesting are important in women. When making your list, think about physical qualities and the personality qualities that appear to be important.
    - Pretty
    - Sweet
    - Kind
    - Able to cook and clean
    - Quiet
    - Marriage
    - Submissive 
    - No depth to her

    2. Next, make a second list that identifies traits/qualities in women that appear to be undesirable in the story. When making this list, you can think about what the opposite qualities would be to the ones you listed in question one and you can also consider the wicked Queen. Like your first list, consider physical characteristics and personality.
    - Loud
    - Outspoken
    - Unattractive
    - Ugly
    - Average looking 
    - Being dominated
    - Being opinionated
    - Being single
    - Old
    - Messy 

    3. Now, see if you can make a third list that identifies traits/characteristics (both physical and personality based) that appear to be important in the male characters of the story.
    - Wealth
    - Attractiveness
    - powerful
    - Handsome and manly
    - Controlling
    - Manipulative
    - A position of power
    - Unable to look after yourself
    - You have to save the day
    - Men have to be tall strong and handsome
    - Opinionated and free to speak their mind
    - The men work while the women clean the home

    4. After looking over the three lists, are there any conclusions that you can make about what the story is trying to teach its audience about the roles of men and women? Explain in as much detail as you can.

    Women: This story seems to state that women should be seen and not heard and their only value lies in how physically attractive they are. This story seems to state that girls should be sweet, good a cooking a cleaning and be submissive enough to fall 'in love' with a man if he is wealthy and attractive.

    Men: This story states that men should be firm on what they want and not give up till they get it. They should be wealthy, in a position of power, and attractive, otherwise they are considered peasants. 

    5. How would you describe Snow White's relationships with: *The wicked 
    Terrible! The queen is extremely jealous of snow white but why!? She is a seven year old! Most seven year olds are beautiful, but for all we know she could have started to get really ugly through puberty and turned out not very pretty you never know. This relationship is messed up considering that the queen tries to cut out her heart and eat it and tries to kill her three times. Also she is meant to be her step mum! she's terrifying! That would be traumatising for me if I was a seven year old. 
    - poisonous relationship Snow White didn't hate the queen but the queen hated Snow White. 
    - Competitive because the queen always wants to be better.
    - Snow White is very submissive towards the queen. 

    *The dwarfs

    I think that they would think of Snow White as a bit of a server but someone they love as they think she is lovely and sweet and allow her to live with them and don't get angry at her for practically breaking and entering. I think she likes them because they are kind to her and obviously concerned with her well being because the tell her (repeatedly) to not answer the door because the queen is trying to kill her, but she keep doing it! She's a bit stupid in my opinion but then again she is seven. 
    - They show a lot of concern for Snow White because they save her many times
    - It is a very trusting relationship as they don't know each other. 

    *The Prince

    I don't even know where to begin with this one. The prince see's the seven year old snow white in her transparent coffin and says he can't go a day without seeing her and will buy her from the dwarfs and she will be his most prised possession  I know this is a fairy tale but seriously I wouldn't sell her to the prince either now matter how rich he is. But in the end they give her to the prince so he can take her back with him and then the poison apple unlodges from her throat and they get married. Hello she is seven! And the fact that she is a 'possession' to him is extremely creepy. But she seems to like him so I would hope that they have a nice relationship. 

    6. Considering this story is still most often read to little boys and girls, do you think it provides a realistic view of men and women? Why/why not?
    No way. Usually step mothers are not complete psychopaths so I think this is not really an accurate representation of stepmothers or a good way to present them to children frankly. I don't think its healthy for young children to see beauty as being to only real asset of Snow Whites and I know that little girls are loud and often crazy and talkative so this is not an accurate representation. As for the prince Im not even sure what to say. He is completely not normal and I think in the real world you will find that most men you meet will not be super wealthy or weird like him. 

    7. Can you think of any modern stories (film/TV shows/books) that you know of that promote similar messages about men and women as Snow White

    A lot of reality shows like the bachelor promote messages that girls should be beautiful, men should be amazing and romantic and set them up in a completely unnatural enviroment. Its almost funny how quickly their relationship fails in real life. 

    The show on TLC Toddlers and Tiaras (though it is very entertaining) also promotes that beauty is the main value in little girls

    Any TV show or movie with stereotypical "dumb blond" girls sort of portrays this message that girls are pretty air heads and its neither cute or accurate. 

    Wednesday, 15 July 2015

    Day two of Sleeping beauty

    Yeah Aurora's personality didn't change much. I have to say this disney film was exceptionally cliche. And honestly who cries like this?

    Now onto the questions

    The gender stereotypes I have identified about Aurora are:
    - Gentle
    - Kind
    - Pretty
    - Slim
    - Graceful
    - Reserved
    - Polite
    (Bit of a doormat really)

    The gender stereotypes I have identified about prince Phillip are:
    - Daring
    - Kind
    - Confident
    - Charming
    - Romantic
    - Brave
    - Skilled (you could say, even though the fairies do pretty much everything for him in the battle)
    - Good looking
    - His father barely questioned Prince Phillip getting out of his arranged marriage
    - He has no depth and no real personality

    The gender stereotypes I have identified for the King Stephan are:
    - Regal
    - Manly man
    - Seen and speaks much more than his wife who shows he is in power
    - Likes to do things regally
    - Civil
    - Kind
    - Powerful and loved

    The gender stereotypes I have identified for the villain (Maleficent) are:
    - Pure evil
    - Wants bad outcomes
    - doesn't care for happiness or feelings of others
    - Cold hearted
    - Determined
    - She does not escape excuses
    (I think she's awesome. At least she knows who she is and has a personality)

    Sleeping beauty

    This term in media we are exploring gender stereotypes in fairy tales and we started off this great exploration by watching a Disney classic: Beauty and the Beast.

    One thing that I have to say about Disney is that I really don't like it. *Holds up bullet proof shield* The thing is people get really touchy and sensitive about Disney. They say stuff like: Don't diss Disney! It's my childhood blah blah blah, but honestly I think it is really cliche. Especially in the old Disney films! Seriously! These Princesses hardly talk. We watched the start of sleeping beauty today. (This is the first time I've ever seen it) and I have to say princess Aurora seems pretty useless. Yeah she's really pretty but she doesn't seem to have much personality. I am however exceptionally jealous of her hair. Right now its just confirming my beliefs that Disney is Cliche. We will see how it goes.