Thursday, 5 May 2016

Watching the Ring and comparing it to Ringu day 5

- There is a dramatic fight between Rachel and Noah just like there is in Ringu
- The well is under Shelter mountain inn, it is not there in Ringu
- Unlike Ringu, Noah does not go into the well and leave Rachel to empty the well using buckets
- Dramatic moment: screws start being lifted from the floor
- TV pushes Rachel into the well
- rachel finds a fingernail in the well
- the well closes itself, unlike the original
- The first thing Rachel sees is Samaras hair, then she is taken back to Samaras death --> Flashback is like the one in Ringu, except it is the mother that pushes her in the well.
- The mother puts a bag over Samaras head
- This scene is more dramatic than Ringu, Samara is floating in the well and she see's it shut... "Before you die you see the ring"
- more dramatic than Ringu is the scene where Rachel holds Samara who rots away in Rachel's arms
- The ending is very similar

- Dramatic moment with Aiden
"You weren't meant to help her!"
"Don't you understand Rachel? She never sleeps."
- Noahs death is very similar to that of Ringu's
- Samara looks more dramatic, more rotten and bleeding
- The idea of making a copy is the same.

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